Saturday, December 30, 2006

"My lips are so kissably... kissable!"

This is my post #199. I wonder what I will write for the big #200. I'm open to suggestions.
I wonder who still reads this blog. Comment if you do, I suppose.

I spent a lovely day hanging out with Lorien. Yes, it was in the same house as Mike being pissy at me (ugh! Everything I said he took a stupid way, and prickled... the two of us was so irritating!) and with Andrew and Mike's new XBOX 360 as well as Lorien's new mp3 player, which did make things slightly awkward. When your hostess is on her computer and the two other semi hosts are playing anincredibly gory, misogynistic, DUMB, game... there's not much to do. But watch said game until there's so much gore you think you might puke. Or rip your ex's heart out to prove he has one.

A couple of their family friends came over, these twin boys, 17, who were very nice. And cute. We played Rumoli, the classic Welsh/Boreham/Hornbeck favourite and I played Worms Armageddon with Phil. It's on a tiny PSP screen, I mean, I really needed to lean against Phil to see what was going on. It was necessary.

Note: It is very awkward to flirt when your pissy ex is in the room. And friends with the guy you're flirting with. Doesn't exactly condone itself to the swapping of co-ordinates. Thank goodness for mutual friends.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land...

Hmm... I don't know what to say. I have no clue.

I worked in the wonderful world of retail today. I helped to sell The Coat, the 1000$ shearling coat that's been at the store all season. And I partook in the selling of it. I feel special. Also, Evey's curse of driving all potential customers away from the store was broken with a very busy day. I like working with Sarah. Since she isn't my boss (one person I work with) or practically my aunt whom I've known since I was born (the other person I work with) it's a more calm working relationship. I don't get super stressed out. And when I make mistakes like I press the wrong department for shoes under 30$ or I make the feed angry and it spits silly things at me or I forget a security tag in a HUGE bag of clothes, she just calmly helps me out and doesn't give me that "You are a freak" look. Because she is a freak like me. We re-did the windows with sweaters (Sarah: I can never tell what old people like...) and it looked pretty fab. I was excited.

Did I mention I have a cool mom? Cause I have a pretty cool mom. Sister too. I lost my wonderful Aldo receipt which was going to get me 15% off my next purchase, but more importantly, it was from the boots which I discovered were too small. And were very expensive. So she went to Aldo's and convinced them to exchange my boots. After searching our house for the receipt. And printing off my bank card statement. I think she had to hack into my account for that, but meh, I can live with it. Thanks mom!

She keeps saying she's going to start reading my blog, but hasn't yet... We'll see...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

All I want for Christmas is you

And we finally have snow! A day late, but no matter.

I had a wonderful christmas. Despite convincing my sister to wake me up at 8am, my cat obviously didn't get the memo, and woke me up at 7:30. Thanks, Rosie. Merry Christmas to you too.

Santa was very good to me, and I spent the afternoon lying on the couch watching The Breakfast Club and Sex and the City among other things while my sister used her new Panini machine to make me sandwiches. My mom got a mud mask courtesy of me, a preview for our spa day we're going to have next week.

Around 3, everyone put on their new clothes and we headed out to dinner at Molly and Peter's condo. It was SO delicious. And I impressed their Ewan-MacGregor-esque son who is home from grad school with my half a glass of wine with dinner allowance. We are definitley meant to be together, despite the age difference... and his long-time girlfriend... But no matter.

I finished off my evening by watching "In Excelsis Deo", the West Wing espisode from my West Wing season 1. Perfect way to end the evening.

I hope Santa was good to all of you as well, and that you continue to have a Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

It's beginning to look a lot like late March...

The sky is blue, the grass is green and the sun is shining... and it's Christmas Eve!! What the heck? We canadians are having a hard time computing this whole "Christmas without snow" thing. I mean, it's now officially winter, and there is no snow anywhere. None. It's hard to be in a Christmas spirit when there's no snow.

In other news, I'm going to be editor of the Lisgarwrite next year, which is moderately exciting. I mean, it's exciting that I have been deemed qualified for the position, and that I'll be working with Mr Hodgson on it, but it also means I'm the one who has to chase after people to get them to write articles. I hope I have good grade nines next year. And good exec.

I'm desperately searching for a new blog to read, as the one I read, matildazine, went off the net (*tear*). I'm now trying out other ones. Let's see how it goes. If you have any suggestions, let me know. I just want a well, written blog by someone whose life is moderately interesting and has insightful things to say. Yeah, yeah pretty rare in blogdom these days, but I'm trying.

Merry Christmas everyone, I miss you all! Especially you guys south of the border. I wish I could see you, but alas, it is not to be. Write me a note when you have some time!

Saturday, December 02, 2006


Yes, it's true, Jimbo is in 6 aka 5 so for one night WE WERE technically IN THE FINALS.We pwn all.

EXPLANATION: This all has to do with an improv tournament with various teams from various high schools. A handful of temas compete each night and yeah.Lisgar is amazing at improv. Our Jimmy team always makes nationals (knock on wood) On Firday at lunch, we threw together this year's Jimbo, or B team and had a couple practices, and decided to try our luck at the Connor's Cup. Most of us have been Improv groupies, but never actually on stage. Only 2 of us had been on stage. The rest were just so pumped. And we pulled off a 448. Yeah. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Lloyd, I'm ready to be heartbroken


So today, on my way to class from Orchestra, Sarah Mackenzie reminded me about our Studco exec (Student's Council Executive) photo at lunch. Which was awesome, because we were going to take it on the roof of our school. Where no one goes.

So I went to the main hall at lunch, and all together exec went up to the roof, led by none other that everyone's FAVOURITE (hah) principal, Mrs Gledhill. We went up allllll the stairs, and through the locked door at the top of the fourth floor landing and up some more stairs until we got to a very Harry-Potteresque door that was half the size of a normal door. Mrs Gledhill unlocked it and we all went out onto the roof.

It was so cool. The view was so nice (I love cityscapes), with the Parliament buildings in the distance and all the other Ottawa things. There was this little tower on the roof of Lisgar that we all wanted to go see, but we weren't allowed.

But then after our picture Gledhill was like, "Now I'll show you guys around the 4th floor." So we were like "COOL!". So we went in, climbing over the old art projects and Singer sewing machines and got inside. And we saw the drywall walls COVERED with writing. All over the place. All these windy old wood bits and old brick and then the new drywall bits put in around the heating stuff and such. Exec from a couple years ago signed a wall with a list of their names and positions. And tons of other people too, random ones, had signed all over the place, a lot were super random, like "how did they get up here?"

Someone signed on wall with "First time Conservatives and Republicans in powers at the same time in (x) years: Mulroney + Bush" And we added on underneath that "And then again in 2006 -- Harper and W. Bush"

So then Ben pulls out sharpies and Gledhill and the other teachers supervise us signing all over the walls. Not just our exec, but the grads took a wall, I signed with Josh O, I left a message that I hope someone gets later (no promises, but we'll see) and message to the universe, just so someone remembers it. Sees it maybe, years from now, and wonders about the story.

I was one of those moments that I knew I wanted to remember for the rest of my life. Like this is a memory, right here. Pretty awesome.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Connor's Cup

So, here's the deal.

Our school is big on the improv. It's a big deal. Everyone goes to watch, and the kids who compete are pretty much amazing. We've got a team that has been together for almost 3 years, and they're so good.

This monday there is a competition for just the Ottawa area (not the regional tournament for nationals or anything) called the Connor's Cup. Our improv teams is currently mostly stuck in rehearsals for the senior play, The Crucible, which is going on the week after next.

This means that Lisgar needed a team to go. And since Jimbo, our secondary team, is severaly depleted, Mrs K got improv club to pull together a team. Of which I am part. Yay!

All I'm saying is, wish me luck, and if you live in the ottawa area, stop by the museum of science and tech (the one with the lighthouse) Monday, Nov 30 at 7pm for some fun times!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My first Insight school performance is tomorrow morning! At Colonel By. I'm pumped. Except that we're super stressed and have brand new scenes. Oh goodness.

And then I get back to school and have a chem test I'm not ready for. SO not ready. And my teacher wasn't here today and I had a million questions for him. Not cool. At all. And due to my show, I won't be able to see him before school. And it was my lowest grade on my report card due to a bad day causing a fail on a test. Yeah, sucks. A lot.

Studio 60 made me happy this week. But then there's the lack of drama:

ewings73 (9:56:57 PM): the pilot set this show up to be awesome, but the show didnt grab on to its tail as it went by
ewings73 (9:57:18 PM): like Wes went HERE IS DRAMA TAKE IT IT IS MY PARTING GIFT TO YOU
ewings73 (9:57:40 PM):
matt: should I have grabbed that and run?
danny: probably
Wes: *facepalm*

Oh Michael Christie.

PS: wish me luck tomorrow!

PPS: I *was* planning a bday party for me, but due to my extreme lack of friends, it's canceled. I wish I were kidding. I have 6 people to invite and only Kirsten and Alex can come, and I hang with them on sat nights anyway. Fuck. I hate this lack of friends.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Today was fun.

I skipped Bio with Erica, Graham and Emily, and we were on the mall, when Graham suggested we go bust Phil out of English with Chang (Chang is a young, inexperienced teacher who is known for gullibility and push-overness, as well as his wish to be neither gullible nor a push-over). So Erica says "I know! Evey, go in and tell Chang Phil has an Insight thing!"
I am like the WORST liar ever so I told them I couldn't do it. So Graham went in. Here is what I heard went down:

Graham: Hey, Mr Chang, Evey's freaking out because she and Phil have some Insight Theater thing and she doesn't know where he is.

Mr Chang: *buying it*

Phil: I do? I forgot?

Graham: Yeah

Mr Chang: Well, if you have to go, you'd better go.

Phil: Yeah. *packs up stuff and leaves*

Class: *laughs*

Chang: *waves*

So, I added the wave for dramatic effect. But it was still awesome. Phil was so happy to be out of class and we then all traipsed off to ESD (Elgin Street Diner).

It was a good day.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

So when you ask "was something wrong?"/ That i think "you're damn right there is but we can't talk about it now."

My birthday is coming! Any presents you want to get me in the form of witty e-cards, blog celebrations or e-hugs and convos will be accepted next week. PS -- I'll be 16.

Things have been busy on my end. Lots of StudCo things to do, lots of planning, lots of homework. But I get to not go to bio tomorrow. Yessss.

Not really anything else to say right now.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


1. What time do you get up in the mornings? Orchestra morning: 6. Other Weekdays: 6:30. Rowing Days: 5:30. Weekends: 11.

2. How many beers until you're drunk? I can't say that I know...

3. Do you like beer or hard liquor? haven't formed an opinion :P

4. Have you ever had a one night stand? Nope.

5. How do you take your coffee? I take it in the form of a cup of Early Grey tea.

6. Do you eat breakfast? Usually. Unless I'm stressed or I have rowing.

7. Do you prefer sleeping alone? It's nice to have someone I curl up next to. Like mommy when I have a bad dream :D

8. Do you smoke cigarettes? Never have, never will.

9. Have you ever burnt your hair? No, but my sister's did when I was lighting her birthday candles!

10. Do you sleep with a pillow? Yes. I have like 5 on my bed.

11. What were your habits as a child? Small child? BARBIES! I was that cool. That and running around Avery's backyard, jumping over ski poles (aka: show jumps) on my "invisible" horse, Honeysuckle.

12. Do you want kids? I think so.

13. Are you an only child? Nope.

14. Do you like road trips? The only one I went one was with my whole family, and at the end it was like "GET ME AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE!".

15. Who are your 6 best friends? I don't think I have 6... Kirsten, Geoff, Alex, Mcc, Nathan... Those are the people I talk to the most. Also Michael Christie. He hears about my "One Tree Hill" of a life a lot. Sorry Michael!

16. Do you brush your teeth in the shower? Occasionally.

17. Do you eat leftovers? Whenever my mom is too tired to cook.

18. Do you prefer being single, or in a relationship? In a relationship.

19. Are you in a relationship now? No. *sigh*

20. Have you ever cheated? Nope.

21. Have you ever been cheated on? I'm almost positive no.

22. Once a cheater, always a cheater? Usually, but not always.

23. Pajamas or naked? summer: naked. Winter: flannel!

24. What do you take when you have a headache? Ibuprofen

25. Roughing it or luxury hotel? Hotel!

26. Beach or pool? Pool to swim, beach to hang out.

27. Would you give your number out to a stranger? No, but if he was cute I'd take his.

28. Ever hitchiked? No

29. Ever picked up a hitchhiker? Nope.

30. Roses or daisies? Whatever you want to give me :D

31. Do you consider yourself conceited? I don't know... I do talk about myself a lot.

32. Is your hair its original color? yes, but not for long!

33. Do you wear makeup? I'm trying to more

34. Do you eat ranch with your pizza? blech no.

35. Do you believe in God? I really really want to.

36. Do you have a crush on anybody right now? I still love with someone.

37. Do they know it ? Yes.

38. What food could you absolutely never give up? Tea. Not a food strictly speaking though.

39. Who's your favorite cartoon? The Weekenders

40. What tv shows do you watch? Grey's Anatomy, Studio 60 otss, Gilmore Girls (ish), ANTM, Project Runway/Catwalk.

41. Do you think you're attractive? Jury's out.

42. Are you allergic to anything? Nope.

43. Ever had your heart broken? Yeah

44. Who was the last person to hurt you? Mike.

45. Who was the last person you hurt? I would say Nick.

46. Do you wear socks to bed? No, I can't seem to do it. It doesn't feel right.

47. How do you feel about breast implants? No. I'm glad I didn't get my mom's chest and got my small breasts instead.

48. What kind of shampoo do you use? Pureology colour care (it just cleans the gunk out of my hair, I have the worst hair/scalp ever) and Lush solid shampoo.

49. Have you ever been in love? Yeah.

50. Do you think love is real for young people? Yes!

51. What song are you listening to right now? The State that I am In, by Belle & Sebastian.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

si tu viens éclairer mon ame quand j'en ai besoin

Here is the story of the Very Awesome Weekend.

Friday night: Coffeehouse. Best coffeehouse ever. Performers were all awesome, and a fun time was had by all. Enoch came back among good-natured shouts of "You know you don't go here anymore right?" and "You graduated! Take the hint!" and performed with some others an acoustic version of Toxic by Brittany Spears with a trumpet, a backpack (read: anorexic looking) guitar and Megan Underwood who can sing SO WELL, but nobody told me. Geez Guys. Kirsten and others improved and all was well and AWESOME.
Caitlin Davies and Kirsten then slept over at my house. Kirsten does this a lot, but we had to convince Caitlin Davies because she thought my mom was scary, but she was in fact super nice. Which was good. Caitlin is currently homeless, and her alternate was sleeping on the street, so I'm glad we convinced her to come with us.

Saturday Day: Lay in bed all morning, as did Caitlin while Kirsten dashed off to volunteering. We then watched a lot of Grey's Anatomy until Caitlin took off for downtown.

Saturday Night: SAUNDERS FARM! Fun, Halloween-y themed place with fun stuff like the Barn of Terror, mazes, little things for kiddies, Haunted Hayride, etc. I went with Alex, Kirsten and Geoff, and Geoff drove. Since it was my first out with friends with a youth driver experience, my mom was way freaked and had me call her a lot, but it was ok. Except every time I talked to her, she sounded sketched out, especially when I asked if we could go hang out at Tim Horton's after. But she was good mommy and let me go.
We also saw a funny little show called "Monsters of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Squirrel, which turned out to be pretty funny. And the Haunted Hayride had some new stuff that I hadn't seen, so I got sufficiently scared and clingy (sorry Geoffy). Fun times.

Sunday: Sucks. But that's ok! Because Insight is having its preview for PPO employees and we will be back at Jack Purcell Community Centre which makes me happy. *dance*

Next weekend: SCEC! Students' Council Executive Conference! Bascially: Student Councils from all over Ottawa take over a hotel for the weekend. SO MUCH FUN. I can't wait.

Monday, October 02, 2006

The saddest part of a broken heart isn't the ending so much as the start

So true.

So my original plan was to post about my wonderful weekend of working at Student Life Expo in Toronto all weekend, where I handed out info about safer sex and HPV from the booth. I also semi joined in a bachelor party in a bar and saw Second City. Many good times. Fell in love with Bishops U too.

But instead I had an INCREDIBLY crappy day. Yesterday was Oct 1. That was supposed to be my one year anniversary. My phone sang to me about it. And I was very sad. Why? Because suddenly, I miss Mike again. So, so much. And he's fine. I really, really wish we could get back together. But no.

Insight is down to the crunch. We're pretty much done writing scenes, and now we need to prepare it to perform. Premier is in a couple weeks.

Friday, September 29, 2006


My little fragment, as you put it Erin, will be published in the Wandering Phonograph at my school! I'm excited.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I'm afraid that I'll spend the better part of next year scared that I might need you

"Sideways" by Matt Caplan. Playd Mark in Rent at one point, actually. Anyway, welcome to my life:

Lost my train of thought around Chicago
Found a little solace where you lay
Never made collages as a young child
Not that much to see So much to say

Now even in this silence there's a thunder
And rain that steals the breath beneath this cage
And at least I've got your memory to soothe me
This bitter poison ripening with age

Because everything I've ever done I've done because I love you
Silly you should ask
I'm afraid that I'll spend the better part of next year scared that I might need you
Bring me down and I'll feel again
Everything I've ever done I've done because I love you

Lost my patience well before West Fourth Street
Found a copper coin, said "Seize the Day"And I let the angry audience surround me
Hiding as I screamed "Give o'er the play"And now even in this thunder there's a silence
A shred of comfort standing at my door
And at least I've got the sense to reconstruct you
And leave me twice as lucid as before


And you left your mark
And you left your face in the corner of my mind three times
You left your mark
You left yourself

And at least i've got the sense to sense what's coming
And realize that good things never come to those that wait too long

Because everything I've ever done I've done because I love you
Silly you should ask
I'm afraid that I'll spend the better part of next year scared that I might need youBring me down and I'll feel again
Everything I've ever done I've done because I love you

Saturday, September 23, 2006

with a river of "yes"'s and "whatever"'s you traded me long ago

I did "Walk for Life" tonight. It's a candlelit walk to raise money to fight HIV/AIDS. I went with Insight. A few of us went to Elgin Street Diner (ESD) for dinner before, and then the walk. After the walk, Jon, Phil, Leia, Emily red, Emily purple and I hung out outside city hall, planting our candles on the stone, and burning stuff. Like ticket stubs. Not like, important things. Just playing with fire. Lots of fun.

I also did my first pilates class, and it was PAIN. I was shaking. My muscles were shaking in the poses. And I'm not supposed to be in that advanced a class or something, but my mom signed my up anyway. So that was major pain.

I hung out with Kirsten, Alex and Geoff last night, and we had fun. Watching Stargate, hanging out. I love having friends to hang out with on Friday nights.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Yesterday afternoon, a man walked into Dawson College in Montreal and started shooting. He wasn't after anyone in particular, just started shooting. This has been a HUGE DEAL in Canada. All over the news. They're doing the usual "blame the goths, blame first person shooters" stuff, but everything aside, it's scary. In Quebec, they don't have grade 12. They have a year of independant study at college. So there were 16 year old kids there. My age. It's pretty scary.
The stories are horrifying and so far one girl has died and a bunch of others are still in hospital. I don't know anyone at Dawson right now, I used to have a friend who went there, but I still send prayers to all those students who had to deal with this. As Patti said "You teens are young. You shouldn't have to deal with this kind of thing. And yet, you do."

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

White Walk

This is just something I wrote. Last night at 1am online with Mcc. I wrote it and didn't edit it into oblivion. I like it, which is what is important, so I thought I'd post it. (PS: Don't mind the random changing persons. It's what I do.)

When she closes her eyes she can't see it, but she knows where to find it. Her lips part and she tastes it and feels it run up her arms, across the small of her back, holding her there. It feels like warmth; the kind of warmth that comes only once, but fills you so you don't notice it anymore, you just can't remember how you lived without it. It's the smallest thing that becomes everything, growing quietly, slowly opening up new parts showing you places that you never even knew you could feel. But you can.

Winds change. Warmth drains away and suddenly you're naked even though now your eyes are open and you've wrapped yourself in everything else. And no matter how hard you try, those new places stay empty; nothing will fill them, not even shadows. Your eyes are open and you don't know where to look anymore. You can't find it. It's left you alone in the long, cold white and all you can do is wrap yourself in it and walk.

House blog!!

Michael Christie and I on AIM during the season premiere of House. Good times.

SBristowSD6: OH MY GOD.
SBristowSD6: House just jumped the shark!
ewings73: I saw that!
ewings73: what happenned?
ewings73: what was with that?
SBristowSD6: BAD BAD BAAAAAD writers.
SBristowSD6: BAD writers.
ewings73: It went all "Supernatural"e
wings73: on me.
SBristowSD6: He has "I think I see aliens and just got rectal probed-itis."
ewings73: I was waiting for Jared Paledecki to show up
SBristowSD6: Ew.
SBristowSD6: He's icky.
ewings73: is not
ewings73: what is with the Chase trying to do a chinese accent?
ewings73: TATTOINE shoutout.
SBristowSD6: I don't know.
ewings73: WHAT THE HELL.
ewings73: with metal in the neck.
ewings73: maybe he's a robot.
SBristowSD6: That may have redeemed the episode.
ewings73: HOW?
SBristowSD6: Hey!
ewings73: please, enlighten me
SBristowSD6: You're ahead of me!
ewings73: as to your train of thought
ewings73: HAHAHA
ewings73: where are you at?
ewings73: proof again canadians win.
SBristowSD6: Houston.
SBristowSD6: But you're like a few minutes agead.
ewings73: in the episode smartass
SBristowSD6: He just went "A Beautiful Mind" in his neck.
ewings73: and...
ewings73: wait for it
SBristowSD6: No!
ewings73: Im already done the commercial break
ewings73: I KNOW!
SBristowSD6: NO!!!!
ewings73: I KNOW!!!!
ewings73: heehee, nurses have a spekaing role!
SBristowSD6: I'm still in the commercial!
ewings73: ok
ewings73: im shutting up
ewings73: tell me when something happens
SBristowSD6: We're back!
SBristowSD6: Heh.
SBristowSD6: Kursk
ewings73: kursk what?
SBristowSD6: The nuclear submarine that broke and sank off of Russia a few years ago.
SBristowSD6: It was weird.
ewings73: oh yeah
ewings73: I remember that
SBristowSD6: This show is pissing me off.
SBristowSD6: I liked it better when gold caused horrible problems.
ewings73: yeah
ewings73: I don't like the over dramatic ones lately
SBristowSD6: Hee.
SBristowSD6: That was amazing.
SBristowSD6: "I have sex...with my wife!" "Oh!"
ewings73: lol
SBristowSD6: I kind of like Cameron now.
SBristowSD6: And don't like Cuddy.
SBristowSD6: Which is weird.
SBristowSD6: The world is all askey.
SBristowSD6: *askew.
ewings73: I know
SBristowSD6: And I've loved Cuddy since Sports Night!
ewings73: OH MY GOD.
ewings73: I wont say it
ewings73: WHAT. THE. FUCK.
SBristowSD6: God damn it!
SBristowSD6: They're being funny!
SBristowSD6: Like really funny!
ewings73: which part?
ewings73: I saw no good funny.
SBristowSD6: The computer screen, the HDTV, the Movie Screen.
ewings73: oh that
ewings73: I missed the begining of that
SBristowSD6: And House being all gross with Cuddy.
ewings73: I know.
ewings73: maybe she's pregnant
SBristowSD6: "..They're firmer..."
ewings73: PREGNANT.
SBristowSD6: ...
SBristowSD6: You know, this might be a good episode if they got rid of the medical case.
ewings73: I agree.
ewings73: did you just go to commercial break?
SBristowSD6: Yes.
SBristowSD6: I want to see "The Departed."
ewings73: the which?
ewings73: ?
SBristowSD6: The new Scorsese movie with Matt Damon and Martin Sheen and Jack Nicholson and Leonardo DiCaprio.
ewings73: what is it about
ewings73: *cringe for dicaprio*
SBristowSD6: Eh, DiCaprio won me over.
SBristowSD6: As suck-ass as the Aviator was, he was really good.
ewings73: he looks like a rat
SBristowSD6: He does, but you like Orlando Bloom who looks like an eighteen year old girl.
ewings73: does not.
ewings73: Adam Brody is better, in any case.
ewings73: and not OC Adam Brody.
ewings73: Gilmore Girls Adam Brode
ewings73: *Brody
ewings73: oh Dave.
ewings73: WHy couldn't you marry Lane?
SBristowSD6: He got a better deal.
SBristowSD6: Poor Gilmore Girls.
ewings73: OC = teh suck.
SBristowSD6: Yeah.
ewings73: Mischa Barton GONE so it died.
SBristowSD6: The first year was almost good.
ewings73: yeah, so I hear
SBristowSD6: I was born there.
SBristowSD6: I have an excuse for watching it.
ewings73: lol
SBristowSD6: But then the finale blew, and West Wing got good and it was all over.
SBristowSD6: Okay, I love Cameron and Cuddy.
ewings73: yep.
ewings73: haha/
ewings73: yes
SBristowSD6: The same thing happened with Lost.
SBristowSD6: It was good, the finale blew, and they moved Veronica Mars.
SBristowSD6: Lost go bye-bye.
SBristowSD6: Speaking of which: WATCH VERONICA MARS.
ewings73: we dont get it here
ewings73: only re-runs
ewings73: of old seasons with no regularity
SBristowSD6: Aw.
SBristowSD6: Wait!
SBristowSD6: It was on when I was there!
ewings73: in ALBERTA?
ewings73: or BC?
SBristowSD6: British Columbia.
ewings73: I live in ONTARIO.
SBristowSD6: Is CTV different there?
ewings73: BC is way cooler than we'll ever be
SBristowSD6: Does your crazy nation air some programs in some provinces and other ones in others?
ewings73: "Yell at me, that'll fix the kid"
ewings73: guess who said that
SBristowSD6: Not there yet.
ewings73: guess.
SBristowSD6: Cameron?
ewings73: nope.
SBristowSD6: Veronica Mars
ewings73: lmao
ewings73: nope
SBristowSD6: Hee.
SBristowSD6: Pig in poop.
SBristowSD6: Wilson's a douchebag.
SBristowSD6: I don't like him anymore
ewings73: with the pain pills?
SBristowSD6: "You're not always right, House."
SBristowSD6: Douchebag!
ewings73: but he is!
ewings73: ALWAYS.
SBristowSD6: Oh, GOD.
SBristowSD6: Chase!
SBristowSD6: Yay!
SBristowSD6: That was gay.
ewings73: lol
SBristowSD6: I'm so pissed off, I'm now resorting to hateful epithets to express my displeasure.
SBristowSD6: Thank God for boobs!
ewings73: lmao
SBristowSD6: I still think Chase's lame Yo Mama joke was the best thing about this episode.
ewings73: HA! serves Cuddy fucking right.
SBristowSD6: No!
SBristowSD6: SHH!
ewings73: you'll see.
SBristowSD6: Spoiler-free in Season Three!
SBristowSD6: Is that Merrin Dungey?
ewings73: I... don't know?
ewings73: who is that
SBristowSD6: Nevermind.
SBristowSD6: I love Foreman was all "Looks like you were wrong...again." And Cameron is all glaring at him.
SBristowSD6: It's awesome.
ewings73: haha
ewings73: OH MY GOD -- for real.
ewings73: *shushes self*
SBristowSD6: Good Oh my God or Bad?
SBristowSD6: I need good news.
ewings73: not saying anything
SBristowSD6: Aw.
ewings73: "So.. I'm kind of wierd?" "We're all kind of wierd"
SBristowSD6: Oh.
ewings73: that wasn't oh my god
ewings73: tell me when they get to the diagnosis.
SBristowSD6: Okay.
SBristowSD6: Cuddy just admitted it.
ewings73: getting close.
SBristowSD6: ...?
ewings73: just tell me your reaction
SBristowSD6: Okay, that's kind of cool.
SBristowSD6: That's really kind of cool.
ewings73: the chimera?
ewings73: BUT CSI DID IT!
SBristowSD6: They fucking pulled.
ewings73: seasons ago.
SBristowSD6: Oh.
SBristowSD6: Whatever.
SBristowSD6: I didn't see it!
ewings73: I did. And CSI did it AGES AGO
ewings73: and it was awesome
ewings73: but then it got played to oblivion on Spike
SBristowSD6: Whatever!
SBristowSD6: I'm enjoying the ride!
SBristowSD6: Oh, good lord!
Auto response from ewings73: I had to leave for a sec, I'll be right back.
SBristowSD6: NO!
SBristowSD6: OOOH!
SBristowSD6: Wilson is lame.
SBristowSD6: LAAAME!
ewings73: which bit?
SBristowSD6: Oh Good Lord - Aliens
SBristowSD6: I don't remember what "NO!" was.
SBristowSD6: I wanted House to beat the crap out of Wilson though.
ewings73: yeah

Sunday, September 10, 2006

"Fools in Love... is there any other kind of lover?"

I am happy. I really am. I have FINALLY given myself permission to be happy after my whole Evey power moment I had all over Sarah. And so I will be happy for a while. And who cares what people think? I don't. And I FINALLY don't care what Mike thinks. This is me pulling a Meredith Grey, "You don't get to call me a whore, Macdreamy." Yeah. He can deal. He lost the priviledge of caring about me. And now I can be happy.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

"I think that you are thinking about thinking about me"

Ever have a moment where it's like "Wow. I am such a teenager. My life is SO DRAMATIC."

Yeah. Me too.

So I have unfortunately come to the conclusion that I need way more time. I hate that. I don't want to wait and take time. I want to MOVE ON. I don't want to wait.


Friday, September 01, 2006

I have a new haircut! I love love love love it. A lot. I feel much more interesting, less bland.
New haircut = new me = better school year. I hope.

I'm a little worried about school. Bleh. Posted by Picasa

I feel like, I wouldn't like me, if I met me...

I had two wierd dreams last night.

Dream #1
I was at my house and Suki was there cooking for me and my mother (Lorelai) and I think someone else, like Richard Gilmore. Anyway, Suki was cooking and had brought her Dragon snake with her because its eggs were hatching. This was a big ass blue snake and had a bajillion eggs. When they hatched, these fuzzy little chick-like dragony things came out. So we were trying to hide the giant snake and the babies and it was crazy. We kept losing eggs in the couch and we were trying to get them all so Suki could take them home. Very wierd.

Dream #2
I was visiting Nathan and Jonah at Wooster. I got sick of my life or whatever and so I took a bus to Wooster and went to see Nathan and Jonah. It involved lots of tours of this campus (at night) and someting about a waterfall and I went to a doctor's appointment at Wooster, and he gave me a report about my social life. Very wierd. I ended up sleeping in some random riverbed and then Uncle Dave showed up wondering if my mom knew where I was, which she did. It was very wierd.

In other news:
I GOT INTO INSIGHT! *dance*. We've had 2 meetings so far and also, the monologue I did will probably get into the show! I'm so excited. The monologue is below:

'Twas the night of the party, and all through the houseNot a parent was present, not even a spouse;

The keg was set up in the hall by the stairand the party was rockin’ by the time I got there;

The neighbours were nestled all snug in their beds,While “Empty” by Metric throbbed in their heads;
I was ready for fun when I stepped in the door
It was just like some parties I’d been to before

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
Drunks kicking garbage cans – that’s what’s the matter

Away to the staircase for a spot to sit down
Tore open my jacket and looked all around

The moon shining bright on the beer in my cup
Gave me courage to wait for my crowd to show up.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear
But a gorgeous blonde guy with a 6-pack of beer.

With a look in his eyes, so lively and quick
I knew in a moment he would do the trick!

More rapid that eagles his lines came my way
And whistled and whispered and called me by name

“Now darling, now sweetie, now heavenly star,
Now honey, now peaches… meet me at the bar

I joined in the chugfest just down the hall
Now drink away, drink away, drink away all!

And then in a twinkling I slid to the floor
Head spinning wildly, I crawled towards the door

As I reached the doorway, and tried to go out
Blonde Adonis beside me, removing all doubt

All dressed in blue jean from his head to his toe
His clothes were covered with dust from the street

A couple of cold beers were stuck in his belt
And he looked like friend, at least that’s what I felt

His eyes how they twinkled! his smile so divine!
His hand was so steady, clasped tightly in mine.

To the top of the stairs, to the room on the right
I stumbled inside and he turned off the light.

The room started spinning; I was swept off my feet
Music was pounding, as we moved to the beat.

And then it was over, I couldn’t remember
It lasted for minutes, or was it forever

My head was still pounding the music was gone
The knot in my stomach said something was wrong.

I looked round the room, in the early dawn glow
My clothes on the floor, I just didn’t know

I pulled on my jeans, I ran down the stairs
Beer bottles and ashtrays and barf everywhere

Outside I wander and wonder what will come next
What to do, what to say, what should I expect

And there in the Starbucks, lined up for a brew
My best friend, my buddy – Hey what should I do?

She buys me a coffee, she lends me her ear
She hugs me, she tells me, I’ve nothing to fear

And then what she told me, I remember today
“I’m here, and I’ll help. We’ll make it ok.”

Friday, August 25, 2006

"I got dirt on my shoe, so tell me what I'm gonna do... Parade me around."


I'm freaking out. Beyond feaking out. I feel like I'm going to puke and faint all at once.
People have already started to get called by Jenn to say if they're in Insight or not. Last night was our last night of summer training and the practices for the troupe start next week. 18 of 27 people are getting in. And they haven't called me yet, which doesn't mean anything because I know of two people who got called and one got in and one didn't. I really hope I get in. I'm kind of expecting to get in, but at the same time I can't imagine what it would be like to get in. I really hope I do though. This is the only thing I have right now that's mine. All my plans and stuff included Mike and he's gone now, so I had insight that was mine, and I really don't want to lose it. Plus I've made a ton of friends I don't want to lose.

I hope I get in.

In other news, I just finished Grrrl by Jennifer Whiteford. READ IT. It rocked my socks. It was so good. My soundtrack to the book was Pony Up!'s album "Make Love to the Judges with Your Eyes", because Jennifer, the author, recommended that CD to me as good breakup music. Not only is it good break up music, it's just great music to listen to. You should all listen to it. While reading Grrrl. And crossing your fingers for me that I'll get in to insight.

"The Truth About Cats and Dogs (is that they die)"

see how close i can get
to keep my socks from getting wet
parade me around
don't me get you down
i've got dirt on my shoe
tell me what I'm gonna do
parade me around

give my beat box a squeeze
bring me back to life
get me off my feet

give me a reason
send me a postcard
tell me your story
why are you so far
i'm cramming for nothing
i'm pushing on buttons
tell me why, tell me why
you're fooling no one

make my way down the back wall
you don't have to be there
to catch me I won't fall
now I'm sleep walking
but I'm fooling no one
hang in the alley
take naps from now on

sleep for days don't ever change
you'll be here in the morning just to hear me say...

Saturday, August 19, 2006

It's too late

Stayed in bed all morning just to pass the time
There's something wrong here, there can be no denyin'
One of us is chaning, or maybe we just stopped trying

But it's too late, baby now, it's too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died
And I can't hide it, I just can't fake it

It used to be so easy living here with you
You were light and breezy and I knew just what to do
Now you look so unhappy and I feel like a fool

But it's too late, baby now, it's too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died
And I can't hide it, I just can't fake it

There'll be good times again for me and you
But we just can't stay together, can't you feel it too?
Still i'm glad for what we had
And how I once loved you

I love you Carol King. You are so perfect right now.

Friday, August 18, 2006

"He's a rickshaw!"

Snakes on a plane was FRIGGIN AMAZING! BEST MOVIE EVER. I went last night at 10pm with Hashem and Andrew. A ton of LCI grads were there, but I got there late so I didn't get to talk to them.
I was so fun. Premier crowds rock. Lots of laughing at serious things, lots of yelling at the screen, and of course, clapping. The audience clapped when the title came up, and Sammy J's name, and when we first saw Sam Jackson, and the snakes, and when the huge ass boa showed up. So fun.
When asian guy grabbed spoiled girl on his shoulder, Hashem said "He's a rickshaw!" and everyone in the row in front of us turned around and laughed. Awesome.

Of course, Mike randomly came too. I nearly fell over when I saw him there. I thought I was so much better, and was doing fine... until I saw him. Damn him. Not fair. And he's fine! So perfectly, totally fine. I miss him so much.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

When we meet on the cloud...


So it starts out, I'm living in this ginormous house, and Grandma and Paw-paw were living with us. So first of all what happens is that the sky seems totally normal, blue sky and all and then Grandma says "Looks like we might be getting a tornado." So I look through a window on the other side of the house and see what resembles a funnel cloud. A big one.
So we all run down into the basement, grabbing the cats and all. But then I realize that nothing is happenning, and it suddenly occurs to me that maybe there's no tornado. So I go upstairs and look out a window and realize there's a face in this tall, anvil-shaped cloud. A HUGE, ginormous, face. I go outside, and I'm all "WTF??" He starts talking to me and telling me about how I have to go on this mission for him. I keep calling him Fear, but then it becomes my name and the name I call him. Cloud guy.
So I go back inside and I'm totally freaked about going on this mission. But then I realize, that I really really want to do this, and that I should. So I go upstairs and start packing. I tell my mom what's happenning, and she already knows. In fact, she's coming on the mission too, because she has been on these missions before, and is an active member of this group. (Suddenly, my mom is SO MUCH COOLER).
So my mom tells me to pack light. Like, really light. So I grab a pair of shorts and another T-shirt and stuff them in a little tin and shove it in my pocket. I then spend some annoying time trying to find a pair of jeans in a annoying dream "I can't find anything" sort of way.
Then this van pulls up in front of my house and I go to get in it and my mom meets me there. Suddenly she has this awesome bob-ish hair cut and is all read to go on this wierd mission.
In the van, there are arlready some people. I can't remember who was in the car, but I remember the guy leading the mission (well, other than cloud man, who wasn't in the van) was really hot, and my age. We were driving somewhere to do whatever the mission was when I woke up. Much to my chagrin, because I was so looking forward to living the rest of the dream. I mean, some cool, top secret, mission with a totally hot guy? It ended too soon.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

"It's time like these you learn to live again..."

Mike sent me these song lyrics in an email a couple days ago, and I'm going to post them. Enjoy.

Times Like These
Foo Fighters

I am a one way motorway
I'm the one that drives away
Then follows you back home
I am a street light shining
I'm a wild light blinding bright
Burning off alone

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again

I am a new day rising
I'm a brand new sky
To hang the stars upon tonight
I am a little divided
Do I stay or run away
And leave it all behind?

It's times like these you learn to live again
It's times like these you give and give again
It's times like these you learn to love again
It's times like these time and time again

Monday, August 14, 2006

"I want to take a nap but I keep getting hit with... condoms!" -- Julie

I spent today (starting at 8am) working packaging condoms again for the thing at my mom's office. It was fun today because I was working with Julie, one of the drama assistants from Insight. I gave her name to my mom for the job, so I went to work today too and we hung out all day. She's my age and all summer I've been wanting to get to know her better, so I got my chance.
We talked about improv (she's on her school team, Colonel By, and they think Lisgar's improv is "Planned-prov" :P) and Insight (who would be this year's friendships (undecided) who would be this year's couple (money was on me and Jon, apparently, until everyone found out in summer training that I have -- had -- a bf)) and Mike. She's really nice, and cranked "I Will Survive" through her headphones for me. We also talked about her boyfriend of 13 months, Tristan (oh, sadness). On the subject of Mike, Julie said that if in 5 months my life still sucked because of him, she'd come castrate him for me. Thanks Julie... I think :P.

So on the way to Julie's bus stop after work, I ran into Mike. We talked (I cried a little. I tried to contain myself) about us being friends and some good things were said and I get where he's at and I hope he understands where I'm coming from too. I hope we can work something out and at least stay friends. If I'm not in his life as a friend, how will there ever be a chance for more?
But I'm still afraid. I feel like I'm treading lightly so that I don't screw up, because I just want everything to be how he wants it so he won't push me away. If I screw up, I'll lose him completely. That can't happen. At the same time the way I'm waiting to follow his lead means I'm waiting and not working, which isn't helping either. I hope after tonight's conversation we can be friends more.

The best thing that came out of our conversation tonight is that the one thing I wanted most, which is to be able to cry in front of him and with him, on his shoulder, I got. As long as he's ok with that, I am a much happier Evey than yesterday. Not perfect, but I'm working on being happier, one day at a time.

Tampons in the nose is funny.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

"I don't want someone who doesn't want me, but if there's even the slightest chance that he does, I'm staying" -- Addison Shepherd, Grey's Anatomy

What a quote to find now. Now of all times. I'm like Addison. He gave me something to hold on to, so I'm holding on. I know it's not the healthy thing or the smart thing to do, but I am. Only, don't tell him, because he was adamant when we broke up that I move on, even if that meant him taking away my little bit of hope. I just want him to do this off being alone, thinking about what is right for him thing and come back to me. I want that so much. I'll be here waiting. For a while at least. Maybe with time I'll heal and let go. I'll be let down gently and just slip, but letting go... no. I can't let go.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

{ }

I didn't know I could hurt this much.

Mike and I broke up. Last Tuesday. Yes, on msn while I was in Indiana. Sucks, eh? I was shaking so much I scared myself almost as much as Nate and Jonah. And the crying. I don't think I've cried so much in my life. When the crying stopped the shaking came. It was like crying wasn't enough. I had to do something more and I couldn't so I just shook. Like a leaf. And then I felt so sick I thought I was dying. I seriously considered throwing myself down the stairs because the physical pain would distract me. It sounded like a good plan. I'm so glad that Nate and Jonah were there. I have no idea what I would have done without them.
The sick lasted. I could barely eat, and if I did I felt sick. It was the anxiety. I was worried about coming home, because part of me still had hope that when I got home, we'd fix it. But here I am, at home, and I just saw him and it's over. Really over.
I miss him so much. Even though he's still my friend, I miss him more than I've ever missed anything or anyone in my entire life. I don't know what to do. (No suggestions, please.)

Friday, August 04, 2006

Snakes in the Airplane over the Sea

For those of you who don't know this is originally a song by Neutral Milk Hotal called "Airplane over the Sea". Good song. Listen to it. For those of you who do know it, enjoy this parody. We heart you Samuel L. Jackson.
PS the last 2 lines are bad. Help me fix it. It's one syllable too short for one thing.

What a horrible snake I have found in this place
In this airplane over the sea
What a frightening scene that can flash on the screen
In a blink of an eye, they’ll be going for me
Brutally, let me bash it hard and kill it here
Let me

And one day they will die and their bodies will fly
From the airplane over the sea
But for now we have guns
Let us shoot everyone
And kill every serpentine thing we can see
Then we flee, in the plane up high I’m freaking out
Let me

(Horn solo)

Well enough is enough with these snakes here and nither is screaming
That sounds from the seats
There a panicking crowds, fucking snakes all around
Hear a voice that is shouting and cursing at me
Violently, how the snakes all bend and twist around my knees

Now how we remember it
How they would flick their tongues out through their mouths
And slither as they moved
And strike with bits so swift and fleet
And how we hide because we know
Sam Jackson’s not in Jedi robes
Like Windu was so long ago
Now we don’t even know his name

What a horrible snake I have killed in this place
In this airplane over the sea
And when we meet in the clouds
They’ll be shit going down
I’ll be shooting up everyone I see
Can’t believe that this movie will make any money
At all...

Tampons in the nose is funny.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The City keeps on going...

NEWSFLASH: The Canadians are not arriving until Sunday, July 23. This is not as was previously scheduled (Sat, July 22). This is because my sister's godfather's mother died, and we have to go to her funeral on Saturday.


In other news, I might be getting a job at an after-school homework group for elementary school kids with Mike. It would be the two of us, this woman Patti who runs it and 13 kids grades 2-6. It's a good job, good pay (above minimum wage), every school day 3:30-5:30. I am so psyched. Can you tell??

I also got a job today at my mom's office for a couple days (can you say $10/hr) for, get this -- putting condoms into cardboard "" packaging. Easy and it's good money.

With those two jobs on top of my already every-third-sunday-job at the clothes secret, suddenly, I am a Teenager Who Works. I never thought that that would be me. But it is. Wierd. I'm excited for it. And so ready to move on from babysitting.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Lazy Line Painter Jane

This is something I wrote for a drama project. We had to make up a biography of our character in our scene. The idea was jot notes, but that didn't work so it turned into this. Erin read it for me (thank you! :D)
Mary Barrett is a sixteen-year-old girl who lives in Alberta in the late sixties. This is her story:

“My parents weren’t so happy when they found out. You know, that I was. They’re pretty conservative. My father works at the bank – I don’t know what position, I only know that it pays enough so my mom could stay home with Janet and me. Janet’s my sister; she’s four years above me in age, but light-years ahead in our parents’ eyes.
“Mother taught us needlepoint and knitting, always told us a woman’s hands should never be idle. Janet was good at it from the start. Her knitting was even, never with the jagged edges mine had. Her needle points always had the smallest stitches and her rabbits were never confused for cats, like mine were. Even when we were really young, and mother had us cut the ends off of the green beans for supper, hers were always perfect diagonals, just like the picture in the cookbook, while mine were always a mess.
“It was worse in school. Janet was a model student; she always got good grades, sat quietly, spoke only when called on by the teacher. The same teachers I had three years later, the same teachers who told me over and over, “Why can’t you be more like your sister?” Hard as I tried, I wasn’t anything like my sister. I couldn’t do as well in school and I didn’t fit in at all with the same crowd. Janet wasn’t that popular, but everyone liked her. She was one of those girls who fits in everywhere with everyone.
“I definitely wasn’t. I struggled through school, trying to get Janet’s grades, trying to have Janet’s friends, trying to be Janet. When I got to high school, I gave up. I stopped doing my schoolwork and started hanging out with people my mother described as ‘the wrong group’. I was, as usual, a disappointment to her, when I wanted so much to make her happy, like Janet could.
“That changed in grade ten, when I was seated with the popular kids in a few of my classes. I was so happy – this was finally my chance to get in with the “right” crowd. I completely changed myself – I tried harder in school, I wore the right clothes and cut my hair the right way. And I started fitting in.
“I knew my mother would be proud, and she was. She was proudest, I think, the night I went to my first high school dance. It’s ironic, really. Some of my popular friends had set me up with the new captain of the football team, Bill. I was so excited. My mother and I went and bought a new dress and she did my hair – without Janet. I’d never been this close to her before – I was doing all the things she’d done with Janet, never me. I was so happy I felt like I was floating. But it didn’t last.
“That night was the worst night of my life. It started out alright. Bill picked me up at my house, with flowers and everything. Then he took my arm and escorted me to his car. When we arrived at the dance, I felt like a princess, I felt like my dreams had come true.
“But during the dance, Bill seemed really distant and bored. He didn’t want to dance, so I spent most of my evening talking to my new, popular friends and pretended everything was fine. When Bill decided to leave an hour before the dance ended, I went. I was so glad the evening was almost over.
“On the way home, we took a detour that I didn’t recognize. We ended up in a dark, deserted parking lot. I started to worry and was about to ask Bill what was going on when suddenly, he was all over me, kissing my face, pulling at my dress. I was in shock; I couldn’t process what was happening until… until it was too late. I was so scared of him I didn’t say a word on the way to my house. I felt dirty, unclean. I just wanted to curl up in my bed and hide from what had happened.
“I arrived on my doorstep with my makeup running, my hair in a mess and my dress ripped. When I got inside, my mother leapt up, so excited… until she saw me. The light faded from her eyes and she turned away. I think that was the last time she looked me in the eyes.
“After that, I stopped trying to please her. I stopped trying to be popular. I just stopped trying. I went through the motions of life, but I wasn’t really living it.
“A couple months after that, I started to wonder what was wrong with me. I was constantly sick, and I was starting to gain weight. When I started to fit the pieces together, I realized I was pregnant. I hid it as long as I could, but it was hard. Hiding it from my mother was easy; she’d stopped paying me much attention. It was Janet. Janet figured it out, told Mother for me. I wasn’t surprised when they sent me away. I didn’t fit in with their perfect family portrait, never had. At least at this place, this ‘Rest Home’, I fit in.”

Kind words are always appreciated. Mean ones get glares :P

Monday, July 17, 2006

Letter from an Occupant

Yesterday was one of the best days EVER.

Kirsten and I went with my mom to Rideau before our shift at Bluesfest. We both needed to buy new underwear. I'm sure at least some of you girls know how much fun this can be. And it was. So fun we were late for our shift (wa also stopped to polish off a HUGE plate of Chinese from Manchu Wok.

It didn't matter that we were late because it was slow and REALLY hot. We drank a ton of water and took air conditionning breaks inside City Hall and entertained a bored Enoch. (My ew fave subway sandwich -- Cheese Steak sub. so good. Thank you Enoch). Between work and concert I was in the very neat internet cafe and joined facebook (all of you, add me).

Then I saw the New Pornographers. Yes, I know the name is wierd, but they are an amazing band. Their music makes you want to jump up and dance and the lyrics are so quirky. Kirsten went super early and got us spots at the front so we were against the baricade which was so fun. We also met these really cool people who were next to us who loved Belle & Sebastian as well as Tegan & Sara, as I do. They saw Belle & Sebastian in Montreal in February which I somehow missed (!!!). I wish I'd gotten their msn. Or names. Either one. Kirsten and I and those girls were the ones who kept yelling song names at them during the encore. Kirsten was the one who got them to play I'm all for Swingin you around and Letter from an Occupant. So awesome.
I hadn't heard the New Pornographers until Kirsten played "Letter from an Occupant" right before the show started. And from that moment I was hooked. I don't think there was a minute where I wasn't dancing in some way. SO FUN.

Today is super hot so I'm staying inside and eatin giant muffins that showed up in my house that someone made. Not sure who. But they're yummy.

"It's best to do with without a plastic uterus in your hand."

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock

I wish I lived in Toronto. Posted by Picasa

So I have been sick, which caused me to miss Metric and tonight I miss Wilco. Oh well. Metric always comes back to Ottawa and I haven't heard Wilco before anyway.

But I'm now sick anymore! I think. I hope. Fingers crossed.

Comstock Countdown : 7 days. That's right. On Sunday, July 24th My mom, Mike and I are driving to Montreal, Quebec not to visit those damn frenchies (as they are affectionately known) but to visit the travelling Comstock twins on their long, overnight layover in Montreal so the aforementioned frenchies don't get them. I'm so excited, 1) Becaused I've missed them! and 2) Because I've been dying for them to meet Mike. And vice versa. Because Nathan and Jonah are like my brothers, and it's important to me for them to meet Mike. So let's hope all goes well.

Comstock (Indiana) Countdown: 13 days.

I'm also trying to get on Facebook, but there's hardly anyone I've even heard of on Facebook from my school. Bah! Curse you silly Lisgarites.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Patriarch on a Vespa

My shift on Saturday was REALLY boring. So lame. Kirsten and I spent alot of time standing around doing nothing. No fun. Also, when we got there, Frank was all "Hey, you guys were off with your stubs yesterday." Which freaked us out, since we hadn't done anything, and they were actually counting each individual stub that we got and matching it to the wristbands that we had handed out. And when we went into the room to get and drop off wristbands, all the accounting ladies got pissed at us for talking to Frank. Way uptight.
But once we got off shift, it started getting good. Kirsten found one of those books, you know, the traveling ones your register online and have a sticker on them that have a number and explanation. She's going to take it with her to the Bahamas.
Feist was SO GOOD. She's way better in concert than on her CD "Let it Die" I hear her first indie album is way better so I'm going to try to buy it. I'm definintley buying her new CD when it comes out, because she played some new stuff at the concert and it was all so good.


Insight last night was really fun. The theme of the night was "Contraception" so it was a lot like health class where you learn about all the various types of contraception and how they work, but at insight we learned in a way that was more practical, useful, more in terms of actually using the contraception, not just reading off facts and reinforcing abstinence. I actually learned things. omg :P

+ "It's best to do this without a plastic uterus in your hand."--session leader Sara
+ "Premarital sex is like giving away your Christmas presents in July; when the time comes, you'll have nothing to give."--a card Julie (drama assitstant) got somewhere.
+ "Don't mind Julie, she gave her Christmas presents away in July."--Katie, drama assistant.
+ "What's that I hear?? Is that a... FEMALE CONDOM??"--Cat-Cath, drama assistant.
+ "Let me make the dental dam, I'm way better at it!"--Mitchel, drama assistand.

PS: I heart Boushy's fruit market for selling $1 samosas I can eat at break as well as "What-a-melon" Snapple.

"It's best to do this without a plastic uterus in your hand."

Friday, July 07, 2006

"Sleep looks like a mescaline sun"

Bluesfest 2006: Full Throttle.

No, I am not kidding. The theme actually is cars, hence "Full Throttle". Someone tell Levi, please.
So today I worked for the first time at Bluesfest. All week it has been pissing me off, annoying, good for nothing, only eats up my time and gets in the way of other things I want to do.
But then... I got there.
I was late (eek) Kirsten was waiting (eek again) and I had to wait in a huge line to sign in as a volunteer. I got my shirt and found Kirsten, and then it began. We started moving fast and didn't stop. We went to Frank, the bracelets guy (where you go to get the bracelets you are handing out) and then went to our post for our shift.
Our job was basically to take the tickets that people had bought, rip them, and afix the required bracelet to their arm. There were various tickets, Day tickets (paper bracelet) Festival tickets, student tickets etc. The way the festival works is the Day bracelet lets you into all the stages for all the various shows on them. The tickets are failry straightforward, EXCEPT for one thing: the tickets said FESTIVAL TICKET which would normally be one bracelet, but was somtimes a completely different one, and I'm pretty sure I messed that up at least once. BAD.

It was SO MUCH FUN. I didn't stop the whole time, which was amazing and I loved it. At one point, Kirsten and I were running out of bracelets so she left to get more from Frank and I was left alone with a HUGE line of people in from of me and I had only one day pass left. I was giving away my last one when Kirsten showed up. Good timing. All the people I was talking to in line about my frightening lack of bracelets were so nice and supportive and they were like "Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault." So nice.

I also saw Broken Social Scene with Kirsten, Matty, Heather, Cailtin and Jake (I know... Jake). I hadn't really heard them before, but it was such a good show. I really enjoyed it. There was this crazy punk couple in front of us. The girl looked like she was on something (we guessed e) and was dancing half a flail, half grinding with the guy she was with. We looked over later and she had lost her sweater. Then her pants. I'm not even kidding she was standing there in her underwear and tank top. WHAT?? She and the guy started making out, and then disappeared. Sket-chy. We saw them after, fully clothed.

I am so glad I stuck with Bluesfest. I'm having SO MUCH fun. I can't wait for next shift. Tomorrow at 1:30, follow by FEIST! yay.

"It's not my fault your foreplay is boring."

Sunday, July 02, 2006

This is just a modern rock song

I just got back from BBQ at the house of someone whom I'd never met before today, with a bunch of young adults and Connor and Mike. I was the youngest one there, apart from the two children of the couple who were hosting the BBQ. You see, my friends, this was a BBQ for Redemption mud members, not all, only select members. I was invited since I'm dating one such select member, and I just joined.
It was not that bad. I just stuck to Mike the whole time and watched what was going on, saying things now and then and trying to act like I belonged there. That and played with Amy and Marco's two adorable kids, Darian and Rowan. At one point Darian planted himself in Mike's lap, surprising Mike. It was funny how when the conversation died, everyone just looked at the babies. Perfect answer to awkward silences.
It was really funny to see Amy and Marco. First off it was funny seeing this person I'd known only as "Shana" and didn't have a face to. It was also odd to see this young couple, two kids, discussing how to pkill while juggling a baby in their lap. It seemed so odd that they had these kids, they seemed so young... I mean, it seemed to me that if you play something like Redemption, you were really young, I mean, having kids? What? It was just a really funny experience. When worlds collide, you know?


Canada Day yesterday was lots of fun. I had Kirsten, Mike, Geoff and [surprise!] McC over to eat lots of food, watch the Virgin Suicides (I know, again. I really like that movie though. There's just something about it that appeals to me. I don't know why. Not the suicide thing, but the way the movie itself is. You know what I mean.) and see fireworks. We were going to go downtown, but decided we were too lazy and so we went down my street to the park, which turned out to be a great move. There were people all over setting off firecrackers and fireworks and in one case, aiming fireworks at us (it was fine, they were way too far away from us to hit us and it was a joke in any case). Then we went to the bridge to see the real big downtown fireworks which were only slightly messed by Kirsten talking loudly and inappropriately about the "orgasmic" fireworks, which caused me to keep talking to her instead of enjoying the fireworks, but it was still awesome.
When I finally went to bed, A big thunderstorm had started which didn't help my sleeping. At all. I'm still phobic. Fabbity-Fab.
"It's not my fault your foreplay is boring."

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I've got a man to stick it out / make a home from a rented house

Saturday is July 1st... Canada Day! The great day on which your friendly neighboors to the north became their own country. It is celebrated by fun bands on The Hill and the fireworks. I'm having some friends over (it's no longer a party. No one can come.) We're going to watch the fireworks and stuff.
Saturday is also my 9 monthivesary with Mike. Yay happy :). As Mix so eloquently put it "Wow... if you'd had sex on your first date, you'd have a baby!" Thank you, McC.
In other news... school has been over for a week, and what I thought would be a boring, slow time has been jam packed. I'm so tired from lack of sleep! For instance, today. I thought yesterday that today would be boring. Instead I went to school to see some teachers, went home, saw Mike, talked on the phone with some people, organised babystting, went to the park/dinner/movies [Thank you for Smoking] with Geoff and Kirsten. Insane.
Last weekend I tried out for Insight Theater, a drama troupe by Planned Parenthood that goes to school and presents to grade 7, 8, and 9 about safe sex and healthy relationships. It's so much fun. It's not just reading off facts, it's making funny skits to present the info to the kids in a fun way. Ex: this year there was a skit about "Alice in STI Wonderland" Funny stuff like that.
So I tried out last weekend to get into the Summer Training Program which runs every Tues and Thurs all summer. At the end of the summer they pick 16 from the training to make up two troupes of 8. And today I found out I got into summer training! I'm so excited, and so stressed, because now, I want to be in the troupe just that much more!
The problem is I'm away for two weeks to visit you guys (!) Which means I miss 4 sessions, which is a Big Deal because every meeting is so important. I've said to the coordinator that I will work as hard as I need to to catch up for what I miss, and I hope that she'll overlook that I had to miss and she'll let me in anyway, because I want this so badly.
Wish me luck!
PS -- cookies for anyone who sings O Canada on Canada Day.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Just be in love when you scream that song on and on

I have been named Assitant Director of Leadership on StudCo (Student's Council) for next year. I'm very pumped.
This means I assist the co-directors of Leadership in organising Leadership activities for our school. These include:

+Leadership Camp for the grade nines (which is in March next year instead of October, which means less stress right away)
+Grade Nine BBQ on the first day (working with Spirit division of StudCo)
+The new for next year Exec Leadership Camp at the end of September, a camp for the Executive of all the school organisations (basically, all the clubs with charters that are amendmants to the StudCo Constitution -- like Canada pre-Trudeau*)

My directors are Anna and Griffin. I know Anna from Hopewell and rowing, which is good, but I don't know Griffin. I really hope they'll delegate to me and I hope I'll be able to do lots and control things too. I want to work hard next year on this.
Also -- the Exec Camp that is new -- it was sprung on us today at the meeting for next year's Exec. So in addition to planning a Grade Nine BBQ on the first day (which will be crazy to organise), we have to worry about Exec Camp right away. Crazy. Thanks for the heads up, B&B! (Our new coprezes)
Well, fingers crossed we'll pull this all off. In the meantime, I can't wait for summer! Tomorrow is the last day and then my two exams on Tuesday and then home free for the summer.

*If you catch that reference and have any idea of the story behind it, you win. If you tell me, cookies will be awarded accordingly.

"I just don't understand why they don't see what a sexy man-beast Stephen Harper is."

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Chasing Stephen Harper

Here comes Film Fest!Lisgar's first Film fest is tomorrow night at 7. I am so excited, even though I am in no way involved in any of the films. This makes me slightly sad, since I wanted to do something to help with Film fest, but didn't happen. Ah well. The submission include Urban Ninjas, Segregation in Three Parts, the artsiest one by far -- The other side of the Bean Stalk and Cribbed (SO funny). We've been able to see a few of the submissions in drama class. Today we saw a chunk of "Chasing Stephen Harper", a 50 min movie that's about 45 min longer than most of the other submissions. It's so funny. Props to Davis for being so funny as a girl in love with our conservative Prime Minister. Double props to Enoch for getting the idea.
I also sprained my ankle, which is sad. It won't heal, which could possibly be becasuse I am not wrapping it (don't know how) and won't use crutches because they exacerbate my carpal tunnel, which means I can't write and causes intense pain. Yeah. So it's still swollen and painful. Walking = not fun.
Yay shout out to all in Indiana who are done high school! Awesome guys! Meanwhile, I still have 2 years and 13 days of high school. :P
"I just don't understand why they don't see what a sexy man-beast Stepehn Harper is."

Monday, May 22, 2006

Voila Mike.
This is us at Easter on out way out for a walk as captured by Alex. Isn't he cute? :D Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Funboy has retreated into his tent

It's 10am and I am incredibly tired. Why am I even awake? I want to be sleeping still.
This would be because yesterday, I was up at 3:20am. This is because I had to be on a bus to Montreal at 4:30am. Yay! My first rowing regatta.

Well, that's a big lie. Last weekend I was on a bus at 5am to Brockville for a regatta there. That regatta was unfortunately cancelled after we had been there, waiting for an hour. I caled my parents at 7am to tell them that the regatta was cancelled and they were asleep. It was funny; I'd been up so long I had forgotten it was so early.

So yeah, that one was cancelled because there was east winds on the St Laurence where we were racing, and that makes for all kind of nasty waves, so the Montreal regatta was our first regatta.

I was raining, again. It's bee raining all week. We tried to find some room to sit inside the big, comfy boathouse (it's so nice since it's on the Montreal basin, where the Olympic races were), but there was no room. So Jake, our wondeful Funboy, set up the coolest tent city ever against a wall of the boathouse. Lisgar is the team that loses almost every race (unless Osgoode is competing. Then they lose) but even though we lose so much, we are the loudest team in terms of cheering. And the other teams all had to walk past our tent city to get to their little spot under the overhang and they we sooo jealous of us. :P

So I was in two races - Junior women's 8 (as in, 8 people in the boat) and the Junior women's 4. The 8 didn't go so well. Our stroke seat (the one who sets how fast we row -- important job) had the thing that holds her feet fall off, and people lost seats... not good. We came last, a la Lisgar usual and I wasn't tired at all, even after rowing 2 km up to the start and rowing 2km in the race.

I then immidiately jumped into the 4, and realized I was the only novice in the boat. Yeah. Daunting. So we rowed 2km back up to the start and had the most amazing race. We went so hard. Our coxie, Sarah had these plans for ten hard strokes every 250 metres, but for the last km, we rowed hard the whole time, we kept telling our coxie to do another hard 20.

We ended up getting 3rd of 5. We were one of only two Lisgar boats that didn't get last (Osgoode doesn't count), and it was such an amazing row. It felt SO good.

And then I slept all afternoon in my sleeping bag :D

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Play me a song to set me free..

I fell off the face of bloger for a while, but I'm back! Party. Get down.
I didn't think anyone was readong anymore, so I got lazy and stopped posting and reading blogs, but behold! I return. I will try a new idea with smaller idea posts, which will be less "I have to go write a WHOLE post that's worth posting. The result may be multiple miniposts a day, if I get time.

Ok, on to real news. I am currently soaking wet. Why? Rugby game was going to be in the rain, until the hardcore thunder and lightning kicked in for a bout 5 minutes and the other team was like "we're leaving." So the game was cancelled. Not like I was that sad about that; me and my feeling gross due to "women's troubles" and then my fun phobia on top of that. I'm glad we didn't get to play, I was soaked in 5 minutes of standing on the field.

Tomorrow morning, the rowing continues. It started this week, on Monday. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I'm at the Ottawa Rowing Club at 5am. w00t! Only sorta not. It sucks getting up and it being dark, and your cat looks so comfy still in bed... But then I get to the club and get the boats out and I'm so pumped. It's amazing. I love it. Intensly. Granted, I was not yet gotten on the water (monday's practed we rigged the boats and wednesday's the novices did dock side rowing to learn how to physically) but I'm all set for tomorrow morning when I will be *GRIN* in a boat!!! Eeee! Fun. I am excited.

Finally, I love Bell and Sebastian, a lot. Love love love. So much much much. They make me very happy. I also like the book I am currently reading, by Magaret Attwood (OMG! an Atwood novel that isn't boring!) Oryx and Crake. It's Mike's favourite book, so I took it out of the library to see what it was all about, and it's really good. SO GOOD. Read it, all of you. It's way better than the crap I have been reading (ie almost nothing). So I'm liking it.

Only dead fish go with the flow.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I heart Shameless

); background-repeat: no-repeat;" width="400" height="515">

Evey Pills:

Will cause you to practice your make out skills

'What" effect do you have on people?' at

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Atlantic was born today, and I'll tell you how...

My internet went "I'll spam you when you try to use me!" and I went "nuh uh" and it went "yuh-huh" and then I called Brian our friendly neighbourhood computer geek and he went "Take that computer!" The end result is we have to reformat my hardrive and so I begin the process of backing up all of my files. Fun!

March Break was the awesome. I went to Mont Tremblant to ski with Mike and his family (mom's family: Cindy (his mom), Tim (stepdad), Andrew (twin brother, goes to my school) and Lorien (stepsister, also goes to my school, and is a friend of mine). The snow kind of sucked for a bit, but we skiied 4/6 days. And it was friggin AMAZING. A whole week with Mike.

And then the Friday was the Coldplay concert, which was equally amazing. Enoch and I bought the same T-shirt and he was annoyed by this. Ha, haha, ha. Ha.

Okay, so the highlight of this week, has got to be the Literacy Test. To graduate high school, we have to pass this test to prove we can read. It is the stupidest test ever. If you don't write in pen, YOU FAIL. If your writting isn't legible to the scorer YOU FAIL. The questions are stupid too. In the sample test booklet, it had this one question for short answer that asked "How is a train like a bear?" Lame, I know. It is SO stupid. Mike keeps rubbing in my face how he gets half a day off because only the grade tens write it. Well, we got two half days off last year, while he wrote it. So there.

Only dead fish go with the flow.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Indiana Memory #2

Who: Marten Dollinger
What: His Christmas present from Erin "Where's my Cow" a picture book about the book.
Where: Erin's basement, at the Star Wars-related chicanerycon
When: Dec 30, 2005 During the Invasion of the Canadienne.
Why: Ask Marten
How: This is silly. The how involves eyes seeing words and interpreting them and then mouth moving and saying them, etc.

"Such self-loathing from such a pretty girl!" "I know, I think it's a brit thing"

*Le sigh* If only I were Kieira Knightly. How unfair is it that she gets to be gorgeuse AND smart AND gets to be in Pride and Prejudice? Which, by the way, she listened to on tape at age 7 (since she's dyslexic) and has loved ever since then. I know. I'm 15, and I just fell in love with it, after trying to read it at least twice before. hmph.

Yay Oscars and Oscarblog. I had leave Oscarblog early since I am sick and had to go to bed. I know. Ew. I have been sick since friday, and I'm home sick today as well. I'm going to school tomorrow to face the wrath of Mr Turner, since our group still hasn't presented our project that was due Thursday. Josh and Asha were sick Thursday, and I've been sick since then. Yeah, Mr Turner is going to kill us with the angry.

I actually left the house yesterday! I know! I went to buy skis, since I'm going skiing for a week with Mike and his family at Mont Tremblant during March Break, next week. So actually, I had to buy skis, bindings, poles, neck warmer and snowpants. I still haven't found any snowpants. GAH! But, I did find this nifty hat that has earphones in it. I love it. I've been wearing it since I bought it.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I love you... in a really really big pretend to like your music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake... kind of way.

So I bought the new Belle and Sebastian CD, listened to it once and thought it was ok. I later listened to it on the "recently added" list of my iTunes, so the songs were played in reverse order, and loved it. Strange.

Tomorrow is not only the birthday of the most awesome twins this side of I don't know what (shout out to Nate and Jonah!) but also Mike and mine (Mike's and mine?) five month anniversary, so we're going to have dinner at Cafe Colonnade. That is reason #1 why tomorrow rocks. Then there's the first rugby practice I get to go to, as well as film festival meeting and all kinda of awesome I can't remember right now.

And folks... it's coming. The Canadian Improv Games. Next week: Regionals!!! LCI is on tuesday night, and the place is going to be a thirt Lisgarites. How awesome is that?! I'm bringing Emma, Mike, Alex and Kirsten. The finals are on the saturday, and hopefully I'll go then too and See Cantebury. The nationals are the week before Easter as well as Easter weekend, and ALAN IS COMING! That crazy biking and skiing kid got his butt on his school team in Sudbury and killed the regionals! So he is actually in the nationals. How cool would it be if he competed against LCI?

A Final Note: A week and a half til March Break. Coldplay on the Friday, and everyone keep fingers crossed that my plans will come through!

Men love to barbeque. Men will cook if danger is involved.

Indiana Memory pic #1

Truer words were never written.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Behold! Paint conquers all!

Free Image Hosting at
This is my lovely wallpaper I am so proud of. I made it with Paint, and I'm submitting it to Padme's Wardrobe for a contest ( I know it's only paint, and it won't win, but I want to make a point that paint can be awesome. Clicky on it, and let me know what you think.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"I'm beautiful when I'm spelled right?"

You know what's stupid?
I am sitting at my computer listening to Cat Powers, trying to bring myself to do the EXACT SAME PROJECT as I did in history, only this time, it's for Civics.
The only reason I can't reuse the old project? (Besides the lame plagarism thing) History is in french and Civics is in English. Lame. Even more so since starting next year they will offer 9 courses in french, including Civics and Careers. That's right. One more year and I wouldn't have had SEIERS (evil, old bitch teacher from hell). Urgh. Unfair.
So it seems as though next year I will be taking 2 AP courses: AP French and AP Writer's Craft. AP Writer's Craft is AMAZING. It's a course, taught by the most awesome of awesome teachers, the Hodge, and it's a course designed to make you a better writer and give you and develop a voice. I really really really really want to take this course.
The problem: this course is INTENSE. Lots of writing and lots of reading every week. I really want to be a beter writer, and Mr Hodgson said I should take the course, but I'm afraid I'm not a good enough a writer for it. I'm afraid I'll be completely lost.
More later on: the 4 day wait in the cold to get into my school.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

We're on our way, we're on our way / we're headed south on vacation today!

I just looove Ms Woyiwada's lame musicals.

Yes, it's true, I leave this afternoon at 6pm from the airport to head to Disneyworld. Partay! One week of lovely warm weather. This is a bday present for my sister, like I got my ticket to Indy, she got ticket to Disney. I'm excited for the warmth. I went to AE and bought lovely capris on sale. Ahh... I can't wait.
I will of course miss everyone as I will be incommunicado for a week, but by this time next week, I'll be back in cold, snowy Ottawa, so don't worry. I won't be gone long enough for you to miss me.

What else is new in my life... I've moved to a Friday riding lesson. It's a jumping lesson for the first year show team(yay only jumping). I am not as of now on said show team, but it would be so cool if I were. Gill suggested I could be, but I need to make the decision still, and talk to my parents. It's SOOO expensive. Seriously expensive. But it would be awesome. Amy said today that if I do show, I'd probably show Vito since I've been riding him so much. (Vito = pretty hanoverian). I love him (if only he wouldn't drift to the left when jumping !!!). Well, we'll see what happens there.

Finally, sad news. The family that I have "Friday Night Special" with, Emma, Luke and Edie and Jim have a dog named Scout. They got their dog the same year we got our cats, and boy do ! love that dog. This is the dog that made me love dogs. He is such a sweetie. The sweetest, most lovable golden retriever you'll ever meet.
Unfortunately Scoutie is sick. Really sick. The bump on his head has been growing, and they found out this week that it isn't from him hitting his head repeatedly on the bottom of their bed when waking up in the morning, as was previously suggested, but it's actually brain cancer, and he's going to die, quite possibly while we're away. My sister just got back from hanging out with Emma and Luke, and said they were on the way to the vet with Scout because the bump got bigger and his eye is swelling of something. I'm going to miss that dog. I'm going to write an ode when I get back. I love that dog.

You've been so good Scout. I'm going to miss you.

Men love to barbeque. Men will cook if danger is involved.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I am most definintley not prostituting myself for Welch's Fruit Snacks.

3 exams down, 2 to go.

So today was a royally suck day. I actually had to get up (*groan* I know! During exam period when we only have to go to school when we have an exam scheduled.) due to Mr O scheduling an orchestra exam for 9am. Ew. Esp since I hadn't really practiced the pieces. It wasn't so bad though. I didn't do too badly.
The English exma was teh suck due to my running out of time and spending the 15 minutes after my exam crying quietly at the back of the exam room. Luckily Ms I'm-barely-older-than-you-are, our teacher surpervisor ( I have no idea who she is. She definintley doesn't teach at Lisgar) didn't notice. That or she ignored it and hoped the crying girl would get over it. If I get above a 75 on that, I will be surprised. Above 85 is what it takes for me to be happy. *groan*
Wow, and now I think of who will be reading this, all you amazing, 3.5 and up GPAs, who get all A's which at your school mean 90's and at my school means about 80. And I can't even manage a lame LCI A.
Also, to make things worse, by the time I got to the music room, Mrs Bradely had already left, which meant I couldnt get my cello, which means that tomorrow at 10:40 when I have my playing exam, there will be a problem. Since I can't play the thing yet.
Luckily, there is always mcc's house to crash at when one is feeling down. It was a "screw school I'm chilling." Moment. I'll cram/start studying for history tomorrow, somewhere in with the hanging out with Mike.
Oh, and the title. After my playing test today, Lindsey gave me a Welch's Fruit Snack. I don't know if you guys have ever tried these, but they are crazy addictive. Kirsten swears there's heroin in them. So anyway, once I'd had one, I obviously needed to buy my own pack. Luckily, I was out of money, but not ressources! I went to beg money of Kirsten. In the spirit of our running lesbian love affair joke, Kirsten said she'd give me the dollar for the Fruit Snacks if I tok off my shirt. And darned if I didn't do it. Stop freaking out! Yes you! You who is related to me in some way and is now freaking out! I was wearing a tank top underneath my long sleeved shirt. My plan would hav worked out perfectly if it hadn't been for Alex stealing my shirt and refusing to return it. I had to get Mr Hodgson to tell her to give it back :P. He was all "I don't want to know."

Men love to barbeque. Men will cook if danger is involved.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Whatever and ever Amen

Another wonderful visit to Indy. And now I must leave.

The thing about coming here, is that when I get here, it's like I never left. I click. I fit right in with the sarcasm, the silly jokes, the "your face... you mom... your congressman" jokes (I'm working on those! :P), the DnD, the "...between the sheets." on fortunes from cookies game... ah. And I get right in with the watching Stargate (and imposing my crazy Grey's Anatomy) and gong for walks with Jonah, hanging out with all their friends... I'm sad to be leaving.

Even though when I get here, it feels like I never left, when I leave, it feels like I just got here. Wierd.

I'm very much not looking forward to flying, mostly, I'm not looking forward to switching terminals in Toronto. Or to going through customs. Or to possibly having to check baggage. Or having to PACK TOMORROW. My stuff is all over the place. Everywhere. Grawr.

It's the getting ready to go and going thing I hate the most. I wish I could apparate. *sigh*

Also, I feel like teh shit. I am sick. I fell asleep on the couch today after DnD. And I'm still not done my book for English. And I have a whole summative to do with Yan on Sunday. Yuck.

Men love to barbeque. Men will cook if danger is involved.