Saturday, January 28, 2006

We're on our way, we're on our way / we're headed south on vacation today!

I just looove Ms Woyiwada's lame musicals.

Yes, it's true, I leave this afternoon at 6pm from the airport to head to Disneyworld. Partay! One week of lovely warm weather. This is a bday present for my sister, like I got my ticket to Indy, she got ticket to Disney. I'm excited for the warmth. I went to AE and bought lovely capris on sale. Ahh... I can't wait.
I will of course miss everyone as I will be incommunicado for a week, but by this time next week, I'll be back in cold, snowy Ottawa, so don't worry. I won't be gone long enough for you to miss me.

What else is new in my life... I've moved to a Friday riding lesson. It's a jumping lesson for the first year show team(yay only jumping). I am not as of now on said show team, but it would be so cool if I were. Gill suggested I could be, but I need to make the decision still, and talk to my parents. It's SOOO expensive. Seriously expensive. But it would be awesome. Amy said today that if I do show, I'd probably show Vito since I've been riding him so much. (Vito = pretty hanoverian). I love him (if only he wouldn't drift to the left when jumping !!!). Well, we'll see what happens there.

Finally, sad news. The family that I have "Friday Night Special" with, Emma, Luke and Edie and Jim have a dog named Scout. They got their dog the same year we got our cats, and boy do ! love that dog. This is the dog that made me love dogs. He is such a sweetie. The sweetest, most lovable golden retriever you'll ever meet.
Unfortunately Scoutie is sick. Really sick. The bump on his head has been growing, and they found out this week that it isn't from him hitting his head repeatedly on the bottom of their bed when waking up in the morning, as was previously suggested, but it's actually brain cancer, and he's going to die, quite possibly while we're away. My sister just got back from hanging out with Emma and Luke, and said they were on the way to the vet with Scout because the bump got bigger and his eye is swelling of something. I'm going to miss that dog. I'm going to write an ode when I get back. I love that dog.

You've been so good Scout. I'm going to miss you.

Men love to barbeque. Men will cook if danger is involved.


Magpie said...

Dear Evie,

I hate you for going to Disney, and not painting my room for me.



Evey said...

I love you too, Davis. :D

Erin said...

I'm sorry about the dog, but have lots of fun in Disney!