Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I've got a man to stick it out / make a home from a rented house

Saturday is July 1st... Canada Day! The great day on which your friendly neighboors to the north became their own country. It is celebrated by fun bands on The Hill and the fireworks. I'm having some friends over (it's no longer a party. No one can come.) We're going to watch the fireworks and stuff.
Saturday is also my 9 monthivesary with Mike. Yay happy :). As Mix so eloquently put it "Wow... if you'd had sex on your first date, you'd have a baby!" Thank you, McC.
In other news... school has been over for a week, and what I thought would be a boring, slow time has been jam packed. I'm so tired from lack of sleep! For instance, today. I thought yesterday that today would be boring. Instead I went to school to see some teachers, went home, saw Mike, talked on the phone with some people, organised babystting, went to the park/dinner/movies [Thank you for Smoking] with Geoff and Kirsten. Insane.
Last weekend I tried out for Insight Theater, a drama troupe by Planned Parenthood that goes to school and presents to grade 7, 8, and 9 about safe sex and healthy relationships. It's so much fun. It's not just reading off facts, it's making funny skits to present the info to the kids in a fun way. Ex: this year there was a skit about "Alice in STI Wonderland" Funny stuff like that.
So I tried out last weekend to get into the Summer Training Program which runs every Tues and Thurs all summer. At the end of the summer they pick 16 from the training to make up two troupes of 8. And today I found out I got into summer training! I'm so excited, and so stressed, because now, I want to be in the troupe just that much more!
The problem is I'm away for two weeks to visit you guys (!) Which means I miss 4 sessions, which is a Big Deal because every meeting is so important. I've said to the coordinator that I will work as hard as I need to to catch up for what I miss, and I hope that she'll overlook that I had to miss and she'll let me in anyway, because I want this so badly.
Wish me luck!
PS -- cookies for anyone who sings O Canada on Canada Day.

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