Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Patriarch on a Vespa

My shift on Saturday was REALLY boring. So lame. Kirsten and I spent alot of time standing around doing nothing. No fun. Also, when we got there, Frank was all "Hey, you guys were off with your stubs yesterday." Which freaked us out, since we hadn't done anything, and they were actually counting each individual stub that we got and matching it to the wristbands that we had handed out. And when we went into the room to get and drop off wristbands, all the accounting ladies got pissed at us for talking to Frank. Way uptight.
But once we got off shift, it started getting good. Kirsten found one of those books, you know, the traveling ones your register online and have a sticker on them that have a number and explanation. She's going to take it with her to the Bahamas.
Feist was SO GOOD. She's way better in concert than on her CD "Let it Die" I hear her first indie album is way better so I'm going to try to buy it. I'm definintley buying her new CD when it comes out, because she played some new stuff at the concert and it was all so good.


Insight last night was really fun. The theme of the night was "Contraception" so it was a lot like health class where you learn about all the various types of contraception and how they work, but at insight we learned in a way that was more practical, useful, more in terms of actually using the contraception, not just reading off facts and reinforcing abstinence. I actually learned things. omg :P

+ "It's best to do this without a plastic uterus in your hand."--session leader Sara
+ "Premarital sex is like giving away your Christmas presents in July; when the time comes, you'll have nothing to give."--a card Julie (drama assitstant) got somewhere.
+ "Don't mind Julie, she gave her Christmas presents away in July."--Katie, drama assistant.
+ "What's that I hear?? Is that a... FEMALE CONDOM??"--Cat-Cath, drama assistant.
+ "Let me make the dental dam, I'm way better at it!"--Mitchel, drama assistand.

PS: I heart Boushy's fruit market for selling $1 samosas I can eat at break as well as "What-a-melon" Snapple.

"It's best to do this without a plastic uterus in your hand."

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