Tuesday, September 12, 2006

House blog!!

Michael Christie and I on AIM during the season premiere of House. Good times.

SBristowSD6: OH MY GOD.
SBristowSD6: House just jumped the shark!
ewings73: I saw that!
ewings73: what happenned?
ewings73: what was with that?
SBristowSD6: BAD BAD BAAAAAD writers.
SBristowSD6: BAD writers.
ewings73: It went all "Supernatural"e
wings73: on me.
SBristowSD6: He has "I think I see aliens and just got rectal probed-itis."
ewings73: I was waiting for Jared Paledecki to show up
SBristowSD6: Ew.
SBristowSD6: He's icky.
ewings73: is not
ewings73: what is with the Chase trying to do a chinese accent?
ewings73: TATTOINE shoutout.
SBristowSD6: I don't know.
ewings73: WHAT THE HELL.
ewings73: with metal in the neck.
ewings73: maybe he's a robot.
SBristowSD6: That may have redeemed the episode.
ewings73: HOW?
SBristowSD6: Hey!
ewings73: please, enlighten me
SBristowSD6: You're ahead of me!
ewings73: as to your train of thought
ewings73: HAHAHA
ewings73: where are you at?
ewings73: proof again canadians win.
SBristowSD6: Houston.
SBristowSD6: But you're like a few minutes agead.
ewings73: in the episode smartass
SBristowSD6: He just went "A Beautiful Mind" in his neck.
ewings73: and...
ewings73: wait for it
SBristowSD6: No!
ewings73: Im already done the commercial break
ewings73: I KNOW!
SBristowSD6: NO!!!!
ewings73: I KNOW!!!!
ewings73: heehee, nurses have a spekaing role!
SBristowSD6: I'm still in the commercial!
ewings73: ok
ewings73: im shutting up
ewings73: tell me when something happens
SBristowSD6: We're back!
SBristowSD6: Heh.
SBristowSD6: Kursk
ewings73: kursk what?
SBristowSD6: The nuclear submarine that broke and sank off of Russia a few years ago.
SBristowSD6: It was weird.
ewings73: oh yeah
ewings73: I remember that
SBristowSD6: This show is pissing me off.
SBristowSD6: I liked it better when gold caused horrible problems.
ewings73: yeah
ewings73: I don't like the over dramatic ones lately
SBristowSD6: Hee.
SBristowSD6: That was amazing.
SBristowSD6: "I want...to have sex...with my wife!" "Oh!"
ewings73: lol
SBristowSD6: I kind of like Cameron now.
SBristowSD6: And don't like Cuddy.
SBristowSD6: Which is weird.
SBristowSD6: The world is all askey.
SBristowSD6: *askew.
ewings73: I know
SBristowSD6: And I've loved Cuddy since Sports Night!
ewings73: OH MY GOD.
ewings73: I wont say it
ewings73: WHAT. THE. FUCK.
SBristowSD6: God damn it!
SBristowSD6: They're being funny!
SBristowSD6: Like really funny!
ewings73: which part?
ewings73: I saw no good funny.
SBristowSD6: The computer screen, the HDTV, the Movie Screen.
ewings73: oh that
ewings73: I missed the begining of that
SBristowSD6: And House being all gross with Cuddy.
ewings73: I know.
ewings73: maybe she's pregnant
SBristowSD6: "..They're firmer..."
ewings73: PREGNANT.
SBristowSD6: ...
SBristowSD6: You know, this might be a good episode if they got rid of the medical case.
ewings73: I agree.
ewings73: did you just go to commercial break?
SBristowSD6: Yes.
SBristowSD6: I want to see "The Departed."
ewings73: the which?
ewings73: ?
SBristowSD6: The new Scorsese movie with Matt Damon and Martin Sheen and Jack Nicholson and Leonardo DiCaprio.
ewings73: what is it about
ewings73: *cringe for dicaprio*
SBristowSD6: Eh, DiCaprio won me over.
SBristowSD6: As suck-ass as the Aviator was, he was really good.
ewings73: he looks like a rat
SBristowSD6: He does, but you like Orlando Bloom who looks like an eighteen year old girl.
ewings73: does not.
ewings73: Adam Brody is better, in any case.
ewings73: and not OC Adam Brody.
ewings73: Gilmore Girls Adam Brode
ewings73: *Brody
ewings73: oh Dave.
ewings73: WHy couldn't you marry Lane?
SBristowSD6: He got a better deal.
SBristowSD6: Poor Gilmore Girls.
ewings73: OC = teh suck.
SBristowSD6: Yeah.
ewings73: Mischa Barton GONE so it died.
SBristowSD6: The first year was almost good.
ewings73: yeah, so I hear
SBristowSD6: I was born there.
SBristowSD6: I have an excuse for watching it.
ewings73: lol
SBristowSD6: But then the finale blew, and West Wing got good and it was all over.
SBristowSD6: Okay, I love Cameron and Cuddy.
ewings73: yep.
ewings73: haha/
ewings73: yes
SBristowSD6: The same thing happened with Lost.
SBristowSD6: It was good, the finale blew, and they moved Veronica Mars.
SBristowSD6: Lost go bye-bye.
SBristowSD6: Speaking of which: WATCH VERONICA MARS.
ewings73: we dont get it here
ewings73: only re-runs
ewings73: of old seasons with no regularity
SBristowSD6: Aw.
SBristowSD6: Wait!
SBristowSD6: It was on when I was there!
ewings73: in ALBERTA?
ewings73: or BC?
SBristowSD6: British Columbia.
ewings73: I live in ONTARIO.
SBristowSD6: Is CTV different there?
ewings73: BC is way cooler than we'll ever be
SBristowSD6: Does your crazy nation air some programs in some provinces and other ones in others?
ewings73: "Yell at me, that'll fix the kid"
ewings73: guess who said that
SBristowSD6: Not there yet.
ewings73: guess.
SBristowSD6: Cameron?
ewings73: nope.
SBristowSD6: Veronica Mars
ewings73: lmao
ewings73: nope
SBristowSD6: Hee.
SBristowSD6: Pig in poop.
SBristowSD6: Wilson's a douchebag.
SBristowSD6: I don't like him anymore
ewings73: with the pain pills?
SBristowSD6: "You're not always right, House."
SBristowSD6: Douchebag!
ewings73: but he is!
ewings73: ALWAYS.
SBristowSD6: Oh, GOD.
SBristowSD6: Chase!
SBristowSD6: Yay!
SBristowSD6: That was gay.
ewings73: lol
SBristowSD6: I'm so pissed off, I'm now resorting to hateful epithets to express my displeasure.
SBristowSD6: Thank God for boobs!
ewings73: lmao
SBristowSD6: I still think Chase's lame Yo Mama joke was the best thing about this episode.
ewings73: HA! serves Cuddy fucking right.
SBristowSD6: No!
SBristowSD6: SHH!
ewings73: you'll see.
SBristowSD6: Spoiler-free in Season Three!
SBristowSD6: Is that Merrin Dungey?
ewings73: I... don't know?
ewings73: who is that
SBristowSD6: Nevermind.
SBristowSD6: I love Foreman was all "Looks like you were wrong...again." And Cameron is all glaring at him.
SBristowSD6: It's awesome.
ewings73: haha
ewings73: OH MY GOD -- for real.
ewings73: *shushes self*
SBristowSD6: Good Oh my God or Bad?
SBristowSD6: I need good news.
ewings73: not saying anything
SBristowSD6: Aw.
ewings73: "So.. I'm kind of wierd?" "We're all kind of wierd"
SBristowSD6: Oh.
ewings73: that wasn't oh my god
ewings73: tell me when they get to the diagnosis.
SBristowSD6: Okay.
SBristowSD6: Cuddy just admitted it.
ewings73: getting close.
SBristowSD6: ...?
ewings73: just tell me your reaction
SBristowSD6: Okay, that's kind of cool.
SBristowSD6: That's really kind of cool.
ewings73: the chimera?
ewings73: BUT CSI DID IT!
SBristowSD6: They fucking pulled.
ewings73: seasons ago.
SBristowSD6: Oh.
SBristowSD6: Whatever.
SBristowSD6: I didn't see it!
ewings73: I did. And CSI did it AGES AGO
ewings73: and it was awesome
ewings73: but then it got played to oblivion on Spike
SBristowSD6: Whatever!
SBristowSD6: I'm enjoying the ride!
SBristowSD6: Oh, good lord!
Auto response from ewings73: I had to leave for a sec, I'll be right back.
SBristowSD6: NO!
SBristowSD6: OOOH!
SBristowSD6: Wilson is lame.
SBristowSD6: LAAAME!
ewings73: which bit?
SBristowSD6: Oh Good Lord - Aliens
SBristowSD6: I don't remember what "NO!" was.
SBristowSD6: I wanted House to beat the crap out of Wilson though.
ewings73: yeah

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