Saturday, July 15, 2006

Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock

I wish I lived in Toronto. Posted by Picasa

So I have been sick, which caused me to miss Metric and tonight I miss Wilco. Oh well. Metric always comes back to Ottawa and I haven't heard Wilco before anyway.

But I'm now sick anymore! I think. I hope. Fingers crossed.

Comstock Countdown : 7 days. That's right. On Sunday, July 24th My mom, Mike and I are driving to Montreal, Quebec not to visit those damn frenchies (as they are affectionately known) but to visit the travelling Comstock twins on their long, overnight layover in Montreal so the aforementioned frenchies don't get them. I'm so excited, 1) Becaused I've missed them! and 2) Because I've been dying for them to meet Mike. And vice versa. Because Nathan and Jonah are like my brothers, and it's important to me for them to meet Mike. So let's hope all goes well.

Comstock (Indiana) Countdown: 13 days.

I'm also trying to get on Facebook, but there's hardly anyone I've even heard of on Facebook from my school. Bah! Curse you silly Lisgarites.


La belle fille said...

I think that it would be good for Nate and Jonah to meet some French speaking people. They would learn to be happier. ;-) Can't wait to see you Evie!

Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

Bring me a can of A & W if you can, ok? I haven't had a Root Beer in two weeks. Tomorrow! I can't wait.