Friday, August 18, 2006

"He's a rickshaw!"

Snakes on a plane was FRIGGIN AMAZING! BEST MOVIE EVER. I went last night at 10pm with Hashem and Andrew. A ton of LCI grads were there, but I got there late so I didn't get to talk to them.
I was so fun. Premier crowds rock. Lots of laughing at serious things, lots of yelling at the screen, and of course, clapping. The audience clapped when the title came up, and Sammy J's name, and when we first saw Sam Jackson, and the snakes, and when the huge ass boa showed up. So fun.
When asian guy grabbed spoiled girl on his shoulder, Hashem said "He's a rickshaw!" and everyone in the row in front of us turned around and laughed. Awesome.

Of course, Mike randomly came too. I nearly fell over when I saw him there. I thought I was so much better, and was doing fine... until I saw him. Damn him. Not fair. And he's fine! So perfectly, totally fine. I miss him so much.

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