Saturday, November 04, 2006


1. What time do you get up in the mornings? Orchestra morning: 6. Other Weekdays: 6:30. Rowing Days: 5:30. Weekends: 11.

2. How many beers until you're drunk? I can't say that I know...

3. Do you like beer or hard liquor? haven't formed an opinion :P

4. Have you ever had a one night stand? Nope.

5. How do you take your coffee? I take it in the form of a cup of Early Grey tea.

6. Do you eat breakfast? Usually. Unless I'm stressed or I have rowing.

7. Do you prefer sleeping alone? It's nice to have someone I curl up next to. Like mommy when I have a bad dream :D

8. Do you smoke cigarettes? Never have, never will.

9. Have you ever burnt your hair? No, but my sister's did when I was lighting her birthday candles!

10. Do you sleep with a pillow? Yes. I have like 5 on my bed.

11. What were your habits as a child? Small child? BARBIES! I was that cool. That and running around Avery's backyard, jumping over ski poles (aka: show jumps) on my "invisible" horse, Honeysuckle.

12. Do you want kids? I think so.

13. Are you an only child? Nope.

14. Do you like road trips? The only one I went one was with my whole family, and at the end it was like "GET ME AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE!".

15. Who are your 6 best friends? I don't think I have 6... Kirsten, Geoff, Alex, Mcc, Nathan... Those are the people I talk to the most. Also Michael Christie. He hears about my "One Tree Hill" of a life a lot. Sorry Michael!

16. Do you brush your teeth in the shower? Occasionally.

17. Do you eat leftovers? Whenever my mom is too tired to cook.

18. Do you prefer being single, or in a relationship? In a relationship.

19. Are you in a relationship now? No. *sigh*

20. Have you ever cheated? Nope.

21. Have you ever been cheated on? I'm almost positive no.

22. Once a cheater, always a cheater? Usually, but not always.

23. Pajamas or naked? summer: naked. Winter: flannel!

24. What do you take when you have a headache? Ibuprofen

25. Roughing it or luxury hotel? Hotel!

26. Beach or pool? Pool to swim, beach to hang out.

27. Would you give your number out to a stranger? No, but if he was cute I'd take his.

28. Ever hitchiked? No

29. Ever picked up a hitchhiker? Nope.

30. Roses or daisies? Whatever you want to give me :D

31. Do you consider yourself conceited? I don't know... I do talk about myself a lot.

32. Is your hair its original color? yes, but not for long!

33. Do you wear makeup? I'm trying to more

34. Do you eat ranch with your pizza? blech no.

35. Do you believe in God? I really really want to.

36. Do you have a crush on anybody right now? I still love with someone.

37. Do they know it ? Yes.

38. What food could you absolutely never give up? Tea. Not a food strictly speaking though.

39. Who's your favorite cartoon? The Weekenders

40. What tv shows do you watch? Grey's Anatomy, Studio 60 otss, Gilmore Girls (ish), ANTM, Project Runway/Catwalk.

41. Do you think you're attractive? Jury's out.

42. Are you allergic to anything? Nope.

43. Ever had your heart broken? Yeah

44. Who was the last person to hurt you? Mike.

45. Who was the last person you hurt? I would say Nick.

46. Do you wear socks to bed? No, I can't seem to do it. It doesn't feel right.

47. How do you feel about breast implants? No. I'm glad I didn't get my mom's chest and got my small breasts instead.

48. What kind of shampoo do you use? Pureology colour care (it just cleans the gunk out of my hair, I have the worst hair/scalp ever) and Lush solid shampoo.

49. Have you ever been in love? Yeah.

50. Do you think love is real for young people? Yes!

51. What song are you listening to right now? The State that I am In, by Belle & Sebastian.

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