Sunday, July 02, 2006

This is just a modern rock song

I just got back from BBQ at the house of someone whom I'd never met before today, with a bunch of young adults and Connor and Mike. I was the youngest one there, apart from the two children of the couple who were hosting the BBQ. You see, my friends, this was a BBQ for Redemption mud members, not all, only select members. I was invited since I'm dating one such select member, and I just joined.
It was not that bad. I just stuck to Mike the whole time and watched what was going on, saying things now and then and trying to act like I belonged there. That and played with Amy and Marco's two adorable kids, Darian and Rowan. At one point Darian planted himself in Mike's lap, surprising Mike. It was funny how when the conversation died, everyone just looked at the babies. Perfect answer to awkward silences.
It was really funny to see Amy and Marco. First off it was funny seeing this person I'd known only as "Shana" and didn't have a face to. It was also odd to see this young couple, two kids, discussing how to pkill while juggling a baby in their lap. It seemed so odd that they had these kids, they seemed so young... I mean, it seemed to me that if you play something like Redemption, you were really young, I mean, having kids? What? It was just a really funny experience. When worlds collide, you know?


Canada Day yesterday was lots of fun. I had Kirsten, Mike, Geoff and [surprise!] McC over to eat lots of food, watch the Virgin Suicides (I know, again. I really like that movie though. There's just something about it that appeals to me. I don't know why. Not the suicide thing, but the way the movie itself is. You know what I mean.) and see fireworks. We were going to go downtown, but decided we were too lazy and so we went down my street to the park, which turned out to be a great move. There were people all over setting off firecrackers and fireworks and in one case, aiming fireworks at us (it was fine, they were way too far away from us to hit us and it was a joke in any case). Then we went to the bridge to see the real big downtown fireworks which were only slightly messed by Kirsten talking loudly and inappropriately about the "orgasmic" fireworks, which caused me to keep talking to her instead of enjoying the fireworks, but it was still awesome.
When I finally went to bed, A big thunderstorm had started which didn't help my sleeping. At all. I'm still phobic. Fabbity-Fab.
"It's not my fault your foreplay is boring."

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