Sunday, July 04, 2004

Happy July Fourth!

It's Independance Day. Whoopee. In Canada, most people don't even make the connection. If you said to them: 'It's July 4th today', they'd say: 'ok...?' and then you would have to say: 'You know, like Canada Day in the US.' Then they would get it. The bottom line here? America isn't as important as it likes to think it is.

But I don't want this entry to be an America insulting entry; instead I am going to rant a bit about Troy (the movie). Sorry. If you don't like reading online rants, then stop reading now.

First of all, the movie people made the war last under 2 weeks, instead of ten years. That is one of the biggest problems. But that is definintley not the end of them. For instance, that whole love story about Achilles and Paris's cousin never happenned. Achilles DID have a slave girl named Briseis, but Agamemnon stole her early on.

Also, Achilles does kill Hector, but Hector tells him as he's dying: 'Remember me when my brother kills you in theshadow of the Skaian Gate'. Which Paris does. He shoot him on the heel before the Greeks even thought of the giant horse.

Which brings me to my biggest problem: Achilles is immortal! HELLO! His mom is Thetis, a nymph. She dunked him in this enchanted pool thing to make him immortal, but she is holding him by his foot, so his heel doesn;t go in the water. Hence the reason why he can be killed by an arrow in the foot. (This is where the Achhilles tendon comes from).

Lord of the Rings does the epic thing SO much better, so if it's between seeing Troy and LOTR III, pick LOTR. Hands down.

Ok. I'm done now.

Oh, I saw the Matrix for the forst time last night. Damn good movie. Really cool. Best I've seen in a long time.

ComstOck (I did that for you jonah) Countdown: 5 1/2 Days!


Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

It's ok if you hate America. A lot of people who live there do too. I don't think I've ever heard you swear before.

Evey said...

There's a lot you don't know about me *evil grin*. No, I don't actually swear that much.

Evey said...

You suck lana! the matrix kicks butt. It's better than troy.