Tuesday, January 23, 2007

An amusing winterlude. I mean interlude.

Setting: my kitchen.

Me: Hey Ellie, do you want some of this Banana of Truth?
Ellie: How do you know it's a Banana of Truth?
Me: It hasn't lied yet, has it?
Ellie: I guess. Oh, don't eat those they aren't ripe yet.
Me: This one is ripe. *takes a bite* oh man! It isn't ripe yet.
Ellie: It lied to you. It isn't the Banana of Truth after all.

So my advice to you is: next time you have to go to the DMV, you'd better bring along your wings.


Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

Hee hee. I can see you too saying that.

Evey said...

*two. Geez, get some grammar Nathan.

Also: That is a compliment coming from you, ye of the family of the silly. I guess it's the small amount of blood-relatedness that we share coming through. Finally :P.