Monday, August 08, 2005

The Great Canadian Dream Sequence

I've had a couple wierd dreams lately, so I decided to post them.

Dream #1: Jonah and I are running around some pretty normal neighbourhood, killing people. With our lightsabers. Real ones, since he is Darth Vader and I'm Luke Skywalker and we're in cahoots. Even though we were apparently these people, we didn't look any different. It was wierd, running around, away from the police, with Jonah. Oh, also, there were characters from Radio Free Roscoe (Family Channel Show) doing acrobatics.

Dream #2: I was at some wierd private school! It was also a boarding school, but for some reason, only the non-freshmen students could board. I had some friends there, and some were returning students, whereas I was new. There was some deal about uniforms, and I'd have to order one, But I wouldn't get it for a couple months. After school, (which I didn't recognize ever really happenning) all my friends, their parents and I drove through the town where the school was (it was this tiny place) and then we hung around at the beach. In the rain.

Dream #3: Definintley the wierdest, and I had it last night. I was hanging at some log cabin thing with some friends (people I had never seen) and then two of them were like, "Who wants to go outside and swim?" I realize now there was snow outside, but that was not a factor in my decision to go swimming. I was the only one who wanted to go, so the two others and I went outside.
When we got outside, the pool looked tiny, but I got in and looked unerwater, the pool was really long . When I re-surfaced, I realized the two people were none other than Darth Sidious and evil Anakin (or maybe it was Darth Maul, I'm not sure. Some apprentice to Sidious), yet they did not look like these two. So then Sidious says "We're going to finish you off, something we should've done in the movie." and they started advancing on me and I swam down the pool (which was suddenly way longer, and I openned a door and yelled "Help! Sidious and Maul/Vader [can't remember which] are trying to kill me!" Then Marten showed up and started attacking Sidious and his apprentice, with a ligthsaber. It was very cool. I don't know how it worked out because at that moment, a rude salesrep from Sears called (at noon) and woke me up. *scoff* :P I do, however, remember that my explanation for why I was attacked had something to do with me playing Orlando Bloom's character in the movie, and I got an image of Legolas. Very wierd, I know.

Amarismoon14: How many times do I have to tell you, Evan, guys CANNOT get pregnant.


Anonymous said...

Stupid Sears. I say we burn them ALL DOWN! Those dreams rocked. Keep telling me them, I find them amusing.

Erin said...

lol! Great dreams. :)

Anonymous said...

Suddenly, your true self just emerged. I think your subconscious has opened a place for you at Bethlehem Institute (Bedlem). :)