Friday, January 14, 2005

Enough with the diving board analogy!

I am SO wiped...

Yesterday I arrived at school at 8:00 (okay, okay, I know you guys are already learning then, but thats a full 50 minutes before our classes start.) Why was I there that early? Because that's what I do. Plus, I always seem to forget something (i.e., science test, math homework, etc) and therefor must do the homework then.

After school, the VOICES hosts had to get ready for... GRADE NINE INFORMATION NIGHT!!! *nostalgic look* I remember my grade nine info night... Only this one was better. Because us hosts were on the job (YAY JOSH!). We decided to give tours of Lisgar for the little grade eights and their parents.

So we (the hosts who had recieved info of the hosts meeting after school) went around to all the classrooms we were visiting and cleaned everything up. I was at school until 5:30. I then went home, changed (so Id look presentable for the little grade eights) and headed back to school at 6. I think I managed a couple bites of pizza in there somewhere...

So, after a couple small crises (Anand having no white shirt *appaled look*, Staci looking for Josi, Josi looking Staci...) grade nine info night got underway. It was so cool to see all the little grade eights from Hopewell! (Sarah Mackenzie is WAY too tall. Look! I got her name right!).

And went on... the presentation in the assembly that starts off the evening went on FOREVER... (enough with the gifted and AP courses!), and of course, Cantebury and some other school in the boonies were having thier info nights that night too. After the presentation finally ended, we were mobbed for tours. Avery and I started with a couple of people and people kept joining the tour... the caught on like wildfire. We picked a whole bunch of places on each floor, and had so much fun. Maybe too much... ("Avery stop talking the poor grade eight's ear off!"). When we finished the first, and after a bit of explanations to my mother, who was waiting for us, we did another tour. (Poor Rachel... mobbed by the little grade eights!)

I finally left the school at 9:30, with Josh and Avery in tow and got home at ten. Crashed in front of ER. Didnt even go one msn! (crazy for me, i know, but... i just didnt wnat to deal with that right now). Fell asleep at 11:00, as soon as I got to bed.

"Is it illegal to kidnap an entire family and send them to Canada via UPS?"


Anonymous said...

Busy Night :)


Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

I see you have stumbled on one of the great joys of high-school - mentoring (failing that tormenting) those younger than you.

Jonah Comstock said...

THat's a clever anagram? Did you come up with that, Nate?