Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I have snow down my shirt...

Whee. The snow has come. It is settling in for the season. I dont like snow. Its cold. Especially when it's down my shirt.

Things have been happenning. I don't feel like putting them here, if you want to know, ask me. may I say, I know I LOOK better, but i dont FEEL it. Sorry. I'm trying. It'll come... I hope somtime this century, because this sucks.

It's no one's fault, so don't blame yourself (you know who you are). It's me.

There have been some... things being said about a certain person who I know who apparently likes me. I somehow doubt it. (I will believe you Avery, if you get proof!). Very unlikely.

Too bad. He's a nice guy. If he doesn't that would rock. But as I said, unlikely. Right now I'm not even letting myself think about it. It will only depress me further if things don't turn out the way I'm hoping for. Ah well.

STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT AVERY! You know what I'm talking about. Stop.

Bush was here. Caused much annoyance and cinfusion. Lots of cool prtests too. Lots of people from my school skipped to protest. The protests moved around all over the place, which made it more confusing for police. This meant lots of road closures. Fab.

Friday is the eleven year old's Birthday Party Of Doom. Yay for being stolen by Avery to chaperone the Corpus Chrisite dance! Where there will be, yes, eleven year olds... I can't seem to escape them.

Here is my wise thought of the Day: Angels never come for free.

Also: Hugs are good. I like hugs. I'm taking as many as I can get. If you live near me, come and randomly hug me. It'll be much appreciated.

"It's so much trouble over such a little man."


Anonymous said...

Oh, and Kirsten says Damien is hot... WHAT KIRSTEN??

Marten said...

I hope whatever it is works out. Atleast you have snow:)

good call for the kids that skipped the protests, they were pretty stupid for the most part. Niether side had anything of worth to say.

Anonymous said...

I agree, hugs are the shit!
- Lord Sexiness

Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

I wish we had snow down here. I miss snow. Yay for anti-Bush people - if only they lived here.

Anonymous said...

i hate snow. hate it. i almost froze to death on the way home. if only i lived in cuba. ;)


Anonymous said...

Snow is fun ^^; And I'm sure everything will get better soon *pats on back*. Just keep your head up :) *considers making her own blog account*.
~ Eva

Evey said...

YES DO! If you don't ill hunt you down... Won't be hard, I just have to turn around in geography class... Yeah, that would be cool. Let me read it. YAY for blogging in geography class :P !

Anonymous said...

kirsten's awsum!
posted by damien felderman-kiss!