Thursday, September 23, 2004

Life, the unvierse, and hell on earth.

Day. From. Hell.

First, I had to wake up at 6:00am. To get to orchestra @ 7:40. Ecxept I went to the wrong orchestra practice. So instead of being with the beginners who are on my level, I was with the advanced people. Yeah.

Then I got to science class and broke down. I was crying in class. A lot. Luckily, no one noticed. Of course, it got worse when i saw that i had lost my science homework, and that I got a 68 % on my science test. That was hard.

Then, in math, I forgot to write down the homework.

At lunch, there was choir, the only high point of my day. Ms. Bradley wanted more men in the choir, so Avery and I dragged Micheal up the stairs to the strings/choir room. It was funny. Ms. B was happy though.

Strings is my first class in the afternoon, so i figured, why go back to my locker? So i brought my books to choir and my lunch and gave Avery my lunch to put in her locker (which is nearby) and she gave me her combo so i could get it later.

In geo, last period, a couple people (I was not one of them) were tlaking and chatting while Mme Boyle was trying to talk. So, she gave the whole class a detention. Only, 10 minutes, but by the time i got out, ALexa had left, so I didn't have the math homework.

Then I went to get my lunch bag, Avery's locker wouldn't open. And my water bottle was in there. And it was sunny. And I had to walk to my dad's office.

Luckily that's where my bad day ended... I think...

"A murder is just an extroverted suicide."


Anonymous said...

Okay so, my ex (who went to Lisgar) told me that being in enrichment at Lisgar is super tough, because, unfortunately, Lisgar marks harder. They have higher expectations etc. I know, it sucks. BUT the trade off is, you get really cool teachers who are super into their jobs, AND Canadian universities recognize Lisgar as being the best highschool in the province. (Seriously it won the award three years ago). So..... yeah. When you read 68% think 78% at least.

La belle fille said...

Aw! I hope everything gets better for you! *hug* If you need me, I'm here!

Anonymous said...

Oops. I forgot to say the first comment was from me. Lucy. But maybe you figured that out. xo