Sunday, November 06, 2005

"I dont want to be a pie! I don't like gravy."

Well, I guess I should post.

So I my life has been better than the last time I posted. I won't do an overview, cause that'd be boring. Instead, I'll just do my weekend.

I had a really good riding lesson. (Really good read: really painful). Lots of no stirrup work, which I suck at, and which hurts my legs, and back and abs. I'm currently sitting with hot water bottle against my abs, trying to make the pain STOP. Ouch.

I didn't do my homework this weekend. I managed to get chores done, and to practice cello, but my science didn't get done. I spent my weekend instead hanging out with Mike, Avery, and Mike and Avery at once. Good times. My mom interrogated Mike for like 45 minutes, but it was ok.

Anyway, Orchestra in the morning, and I'm sleep deprived, so I'm off to bed.

PS: My birthday is a week tuesday!

Men love to barbeque. Men will cook if danger is involved.

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