Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Everything is Rent

That's right guys. I saw Rent today, first showing at World Exchange Plaza after school (I love going to a school downtown). It was so good. Yes, the reviews sucked, but I liked it. A lot. I laughed, I cried, I mooed. Enoch and I mooed. Because we're awesomer than the stupid Hopwellies who went, and made fun of it. Whatever guys, you all suck.

I then went directly to Cantebury for the lit(erary arts) coffeehouse. My friend Lauren was reading at it, and Adam was there with Sarah. It was pretty good. The theme was "guilty pleasures" which meant a stage covered in teddy bears, and lot of Aqua and Spice Girls playing before the coffeehourse started. There was also a poster, where you were supposed to write down a guilty pleasure. I was the one who wrote "Alan Rickman is my hero <3", mostly because it's mine and Lauren's joke. Also because he's awesome enough to be Marvin and Snape :P. Anyway, someone named Mary wrote these lyrics whse wrote on the poster, and I liked them:

You can be Henry Miller
And I'll be Anais Nin
Except this time it'll be
Much better we'll stay
Together in the end

I dunno. I just liked them. Also a line from who remembers who it was , "but I miss the taste of chaos on my tongue". Man, those lit kids can write. I wish. Lauren's poem rocked my socks right off.

Oh, I feel all creative now. I should write that song I've always wanted to write...

Men love to barbeque. Men will cook if danger is involved.


Erin said...


Jonah Comstock said...

Mad props for Mooing