Friday, July 01, 2005

Happy Canada Day, eh?

Yes, today is Canada Day. I am Canadian. Therefor one could reason that I might spend the day relaxing, drinking cold drinks and toasting the true north strong and free, perhaps watching the festivities on Parliament Hill from the comfort of my living room. This would normally be pretty acurate.

But no, today, I spent the day cleaning my car and packing for my month-long roadtrip.

Roadtrip! Fun, right? Well, yes. Except, this means me going crazy being worried I've forgotten something and getting poked at by my over-stressed mother. Yeah, fun. Today I alternated between cleaning, packing and reading fanfiction, as well as jsut generally feeling icky. (Icky is a strategic term here, ladies).

Now, it is 9:28 pm. In just over half an hour, there will be amazing, beautiful fireworks on Parliament Hill. Now, Parliament Hill isn't that far from my house, and a a relatively quick bike ride. Why then, am I not downtown? Well, I would be, but you see Avery never called.

O.M.G. Freakiest thing ever. As I wrote "called" the phone rang, and it was Avery! No kidding. We are going to watch teh fireworks from a hill near our houses as we are far too lazy to get our butts downtown.

I have just realized that up until this point, this post has seemd kinda down. But my day wasn't that bad, actually. I read fanfics and am now firmly entrenched in loving all things Royal Handmaiden. (I will most definintley be writing fanfiction :D)

I should go get ready to go to Avery's so we can go to the hill, but first, my vacation plan:

July 2-8 London, Ontario to see Aunt Janet and Amanda
July 8-23 Indianapolis, Indiana to see the Comctocks (COMSTOCK COUNTDOWN 7 DAYS!!!)
July 23-25 Driving to Massachusetts/Gettyburg.
July 25-31 Massachusetts visiting my godfather and his family. They have a new doggie too!

Email me everyone, I will be checking and I REALLY want to hear from you all.

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