Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The I heart Switchfoot club

So things have improved with A.

Last night she invited me to go hang out with her and Danielle. They were going to a "gathering of friends" Uh huh, sure. Anyway, I bailed, as we had spent the day at the beach and I was wiped. But it was so nice of her. Totally her idea, no cajoling by my aunt. Apparently I'm not hated.

The beach was awesome. Really nice. I got to tan in my bikini, but I was so tanned on my arms that the rest of me looked so pale. Thank you horse shows. Amanda suggested I wear my bikini to a horse show. (Avery comment right now on your immediate thoughts for me. I started laughing my butt off).

This afternoon A left on a date, and everyone else went to Toys 'R' Us to buy some game that was awesome so they could give them to people. I will not go into detail, as you Comstocks are involved.

Both Amanda's friends came over tonight, and I was allowed to hang with them. In fact, I am writing on A's comp in her room while she sits with her friend Kristin on the bed.

We're listening to Switchfoot. Wierd, I know. I love them, and I never would have taken A to be the religious type. She has a lot of Switchfoot, and other christian music. Funny how people surprise you.

A is stealing her comp back, so I'll write more later. COMSTOCK COUNTDOWN-2 days!!

A paradox: This sentence isn't true

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