Sunday, July 03, 2005

Everyone loves a Canadian girl

C'mon people. It's so true.

So here I am in lovely London, Ontario, on the first leg of my roadtrip. We got here yesterday and hung out. I was slightly apprehensive about coming, as, lets just say, my cousin A and I haven't gotten along well in the past. We had a bad camp Olympia experience. I'm not even going to go into that.

Luckily, when I got here, she was pretty nice. Even talked to me. Sure our conversations started out "So... how was your first year of high school...", but we moved into some pretty good convos for a few minutes while watching my sister swim in their pool from the pool deck.

Later on, A's friend Daniele showed up. We all (the moms and cousins and Danielle) watched Bend it Like Beckham and then A and Danielle went into A's room to talk on msn on her, yes, internet ready labtop. I ended up joining them and hanging out... only A blocked me out. They talked to eachother and let me sit there, only talking to me to ask about whether I knew some guy who went to Mac this year and will be movingto Glebe next year for grade 10. Nice.

I hate being treated like her litle sister. I hate it. I mean, now that I have this awesome friendship with my cousins south of the border, I expect more from my relationship with Amanda, I guess. I never used to care. We used to be like this, only we'd play games together too, you know, like little kids "make believe" games, where we'd use her mom and Dad's old phones and labtops and pretend we were high end business women with amazing boyfriends. It was so fun to hang with my older cousin and pretend I was her equal, just for a while.

And now, nothing. It sucks. I wish she would see I'm not a little kid. I don't know how I proved with to you guys, Nate and Jonah, but I did somehow because you guys don't treat me with polite disintrest the way A does.

She ditched us after the movie (we saw Bewitched after a day of shopping) to go to her friend Kristin's house. Didn't even talk to us between the time she got home and the time she left. Just "Mom, hurry up, I want to get to Kristin's house." I bet she'll spend the night there. w00t.

PS: Nate and Jonah: now you guys get why I think it's so awesome you guys ACTUALLY talk to me? *grim smile*


Anonymous said...

Ever go to random blogs and post anonymous comments? Yeah, me neither.

Anonymous said...

What if A reads this?