Thursday, July 07, 2005

Anyone got a barrel?

I went to Niagara Falls today. It was really fun. First we parked a million miles away from everything and paid an outrageous amount for it, then we went and stared at the Falls for a while, then my mom, my sister and I went on the Maid of the Mist and got those crazy blue rain poncho things. It was awesome.
We had lunch at the hard rock cafe, which was fun (I bought a T-shirt), and we heard about an outlet mall (it was huge) and went shopping. In the middle, Ellie went on thise Drop Zone-esque ride that actually had a WWF theme. Wierd, but Ellie and my mom enjoyed it. I stayed on the ground, with my aunt and cousin.
Speaking of cousins... Comstock Countdown: 1 DAY! Wow, this is actually late enough at night that I will be seeing you guys TOMORROW. I can't believe it. I really can't. It's like a dream, or soemthing.
Meanwhile, I'm having fun with A. She's being very nice. She seems to be a nice person now. Better than at camp, which is awesome.
She's the reason I'm up so late. She's talking to the gut she went out with yesterday on the phone right now, and has been for an hour an a half straight. It's no late! Also: her friends call her all the time. SHe gets at least three calls a night, mininum. How come no one ever calls me. If I talk to people on the phone, it's cause I call them. Things are all different here.
Anyway,I should go to bed, since the cleaining lady will be here in 9 hours and I have to wake up then and move my stuff off the floor so she can clean. More about my trip later!
addendum: I am so excited, because I am going to get manivure/pedicure with Amanda tomorrow. I've never had one before, and it should be fun. I want pink toes! :D


Anonymous said...

Pink toes? Why not neon orange or highlighter yellow? I mean, seriously.

Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

Yay! One day! We've been getting your rooms all ready today.