Wednesday, May 25, 2005

"What are Leaky and Ellen doing at my house???"

Strike day!

The school board support staff went on strike on wednesday, or were going to, so they cancelled school (since it would be unsafe, or something).

That day was a good news then bad news deal (and vise versa).

The Good News: No school! Therefore, I can have a sleepover with Avery
The Bad News: She's not in the mood for one.
The Worse News: I have to be Ellie's cruise director for a day.
The Good News: I can still sleep in...
The Bad News: I woke up at eight.
The Good News: Avery is home so I could harass her by calling her on the phone multiple times!
The Bad News: She doesn't like being harrassed.
The Good News: She finally lets me come over so I have something to do!
The Bad News: We had to walk the cat.
The Good News: Ellen and Leaky looked up my address in the phone book and showed up at my house.
The Bad News: I was at Avery's.
The Good News: Avery live around the block from me.
The Bad News: Not sure how my mom will take my crazy friends showing up.
The Good News: She's fine! and we all go to the park to swing on swings and scare the little kids... (Leaky...)
The Bad News: Avery had riding and I had a hair cutting appointment, so everyone had to leave.
The Good News: I can see past my fringe again!
The Bad News: the strike was called off
The Good News: I could go to school the next day and see everyone!

So that was my day.

A paradox: This sentence isn't true

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