Saturday, May 21, 2005

Sith happens.

Long time no post.

Kind of. It feels like a long time. A lot has happenned. So:

My week

Monday: found out my pencil case was still missing with all sorts of important stuff in it.
Tuesday: ate lunch with Ave and Geoff on a bench. Became the center of a "juicy" piece of gossip that is still going strong.
Wednesday: Missed Studco meeting because I was eating lunch with Geoff and Ave and others (oops :P). Youth Group at the Met(ropolitan Bible Church). Bring your parent night with lots of free popcorn while we watched a movie about the media, and thinking about what you are watching/reading/listening to. The challenge: to go one month without movies, music, computers, TV or magazines. I know. I'm not cutting out the computer completely, (I'd miss you guys way too much!), and there are a couple movie dates coming up but other than that... I'm going to do it. I'm going to try really hard. Any support you guys can give would be awesome. It's going to be hard.
Thursday: Had an ok lunch hour, but was without a back rest. Went to musci night!!!
I was at school from 7 o'clock until 11. I was done playing cello at 8. Stayed and hung out in the hallway out side the makeshift "practice rooms" (english classes) with the other bands that still had to play. I was pretty much the only grade nine there. Enoch game me this "What are you doing here?" look when I walked into the wind ensemble warm up room with Geoff. Lilly (a french horn player, like Geoff) kept trying to, what she called, serenade us with her french horn (she apparently knows 'Can you feel the love tonight' but I couldn't hear it).
I kept getting asked by grade tens if I was "geoff's girlfriend". People, once and for all, NO! ... not right now, anyways.
Best line of the night was from Leeky, as we were all commenting on how the accumulated body heat of the musicians in one room was making the temperature rise. Leeky [to me]: It's getting hot in here. You should take off all your clothes." It's funny coming from the harmless, gay guy. He's awesome.
Friday: went on an awful french trip all day. So boring. awful. Lauren left to hang with Phil. I SO should have gone with her.
Saturday: riding lesson. It was a good lesson. I'm starting to improve on my jumping stuff. I need to stop over-thinking it. We also did the awesome "shorten-your-stirrups-five-holes-and-spend-the-entire-lesson-standing-in-the-stirrups. My ankles are shot.
SAW SITH!!!! Awesome, awesome, awesome. I don't care what anyone says. It was amazing. I have to see it again with someone who won't laugh at me for crying. The kid next to me (who need a booster seat to see over the chair in front of him) kept looking at me like I was crazy. I kept thinking yelling thoughts at the screen, willing things not to go the way they were, but knowing I couldnt do ANYTHING. I started crying at the order 66 part and was crying off and on after that.

So, yeah. My week.

On a broader note, I read Sarah's OMAS post and nearly started bawling. Not jsut because of what she said, but mostly because I realized that all you guys are moving on. Next year, you'll be filling out applications and picking universities and getting ready for life in teh real world. And I feel so... left behind. I know it's selfish, and silly. But I feel like I'm going to lose you guys. It would make sense, I mean, you'll be dealing with different stuff, and growing apart seems inevitable... but it makes me really, really sad.

A paradox: This sentence isn't true

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