Monday, February 28, 2005

Oscar piccies! (sp?)

I told you all that Emmy looked amazing. *wants to be Emmy Rossum*

Jamie's daughter looked so nice. I put this pic in because I think he is awesome for bringing his daughter to the Oscars. I mean, what an awesome dad.

Hilary's dress looked backward from the front, but not so from the back... You know your design sucks when people can't tell if the wearer put it on the right way...

Laura Linney's hair is really scary. I thought she was going to hiss at me, like a cat, or something.

Bad hair Kirsten. I love her red MJ hair.

Natalie Portman's dress was an improvement over her globes dress, but she still needs to find better dresses.

Ahhh... Orlando. I added him so I could look at him for a moment...

Too much yellow! I love yellow, but Cate Blanchet with the yellow hair (well, blond), it was too much.

As Micheal said, Renee Zellweger looks way less squinty brunette. Regardless, the dress is awesome. If I had that waist, I would wear it too. And, of course, had the awards show invite.

And Charlize was brunette! I had my money on blond.

Gweneth's breast were falling out of her dress. Everytime she lifted her arms at all, her breasts would start to come out. She looked good anyway *shakes fist at Gweneth*

Yes! Someone told Johnny that last year's look wasn't very good. I mean, a bow tie with that collar? What was the point? This year had a funny tie too, but it was better than last year, overall.

Penelope Cruz, half of Semelope Hayacruz! I liked Selma Hayek better, myself.

Kate's dress was my favourite. Great colour, and it looks really good from the front. And it's all flowy!

Cut your hair Mike. You're giving Canada a bad name.

Robbie Williams trying to be Bono! I like him without facial hair, myself.

Send the nerds off to their own party with a pretty girl to give them awards.

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