Monday, June 25, 2007

There's too much of you/ and there's not enough of me

Today was my first lazy, sleep-in, nothing to do day of summer. I woke up at 9:30 when my chemistry teacher called me to ask about my textbook, which is still AWOL. It wasn't the best wake-up call ever (hear phone, jolt upright, blink twice, roll out of bed, stub toe, step on drawer sitting in the middle of the room, grab phone, drop phone, grab phone, croak "hello?"), I was strangely not all that thrown off by it being him on the phone. I guess this means I've been spending way too much time in the chem room.

After that I was awake, and lay around doing precious little all day. Read. Watch bad bad bad and boring TV, and ate junk food. And you know what? I was BORED. This led me to the following conclusion: I need a summer project. Something to work on, pass the time. Davis is my solution.

This summer, Davis and I have decided to make a zone together this summer! It is to be called "Three Word Title" and it will be epic. I'm so excited.

Here is something I spent an hour and a half on. Oh, facebook.

It's supposed to be of the picture of this picture of Nick and I by Dow's Lake:


Anonymous said...

Epic, you say? I say it shall be PETER JACKSON EPIC. Which is like normal epic, but on CRACK.

Loud said...

Can you imagine the sort of movies Peter Jackson would make if he was ON crack?

*that warping effect which signifies that we are now in someone's imagination*

"Mr. Frodo! Mr. Frodo! Are you alright? I thought I -- OH GOD THE PURPLE SPIDERS AND GREEN, RASTAFARIAN UNICORNS ARE IN MY EYES!!!!"

"Sam, what are you smoking?"

"Just some weed"

"Don't you mean pipeweed?"


*end imagination sequence*

Actually, I'm sure it would be even cooler than that, because the drug-induced insanity would extend to every facet of the movie. I have this feeling that the battle scenes would end up looking like the bastard love child of Age of Empires and the star-gate sequence from 2001: a space odyssey (or, for non-viewers of the latter, ~5 minutes of flashing colours)

wow, this had...everything to do with your original post

sorry, Evey. I'll try for more relevance next time :P