Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The heat is so great it plays tricks with the eyes/ It turns road into water, water into sky

I want to take the afternoon off everyday. So much more civilised to go home and take a nap and then go to work. Who needs math and anthro anyway? Not I. Who needs more sleep? Me. For sure. Waking up at 4 every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday really takes its toll, especially with AP and homework until 11:30 at night.

AP exam! AP French exam was Monday. I missed the whole day (and was surprisingly not really behind at all) and it went ok. It lasted for 6 hours. At a certain point it stops being about your skills and starts being about endurance. I was so, so happy when I got to leave.

We have a regatta this weekend, for rowing. It might have to also be my last. I started going to physiotherapy for my back and my physiotherapist, this week, said that if my back isn't better for next week, then she wants me to stop rowing for a couple of weeks, which brings me to the end of the season. Frankly, I wouldn't be worried if I weighed less, because I could coxy, but there's no way I can coxy at all. Which means I'd just be off the team.

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