Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Shout out to Chanty if you're reading this! Glad you think I'm funny!

So my first book report of the semester has been assigned. I have to write a partial summary of the novel from the point of view of a minor character. I have a list of novels to choose from. I will post this list, and please comment which books you've read and liked/disliked, and you top picks. Thanks!

Farenheit 451 -- Ray Bradbury

A Clockwork Orange -- Anthony Burgess

Girl with a Pearl Earring -- Tracy Chevalier

Catch-22 -- Joseph Heller

Brave New World -- Aldous Huxley

Lord of the Flies -- William Golding (I'm leaning toward not picking this one.)

Shoeless Joe -- W.P. Kinsella

Nineteen Eighty-Four --George Orwell

Vernon God Little -- D.B.C. Pierre

The Bell Jar -- Sylvia Plath

The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz -- Mordecai Richler

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer -- Mark Twain

Slaughterhouse-Five -- Kurt Vonnegut

The Colour Purple -- Alice Walker

The Picture of Dorian Gray -- Oscar Wilde

Please comment your thoughts! Thanks!

Eves: hey, read any of Nate's story?
Davis: Not yet, computer decided to snort some cocaine.


Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

Brave New World, 1984, and Farenheit 451 (or do they call it Celsius 232.77777777777777777 in Canada?) are all good reads. Farenheit 451 is probably the most exciting of those, but if you like philosophical stuff, go for 1984. If you don't like books with numbers in the titles, go for Brave New World. If you like sex and drugs, BNW is definately your best choice as well. Any of those would be good though. And whatever you do, avoid Lord of the FLies like the Plague.

Anonymous said...

Brave New World would be a bad choice. Did Mr. Hodgson tell you what it was about?

The adventure of Tom Sawyer would probably be good, or The Colour Purple, or Vernon God Little.

But in the end, the choice is up to you.

P.S. Is your report due on the 3rd as well?

Magpie said...

I'd go with 1984 - then me, you and Alan can ramble endlessly, pLUS it looks good.

Girl with a Pearl earing is unimpressive and a really easy read. I read it in an hour and that was with you and others distracting me.

Erin said...

Do Catch-22, and write the thing from the perspective of Nately's whore's kid sister.
No, for real. That's the only name she has.

Anonymous said...

Hm.. I enjoyed Girl with a Pearl Earring a lot. If you want something bizzare that I enjoyed, go for 1984. If I were you, I'd stay away from Clockwork Orange as it is a weird, grpahic and violent story. -Ashley