Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I'm so peppy, it's painful.

So, today was teh ultimate minor niner party. (the "teh" is intentional).
Since this blog is about me, I will tell you all all about it.

The first happenning, was that on the way to school, we were at the light at pretoria bridge when I saw Josh walking to school. I jumped out of my seat (freaking out my parents) and opened the door, yelling "JOSH! GET IN THE CAR!" he was all confused, but ran over really fast and jumped in to ride the rest of the way to Lisgar.

We were there SO early. Like NO ONE was there yet. Actually, nothing really happenned til 8:15, half an hour after we got there. But whatever.
I got "briefed" on what I had to do. (schedule of the day below). The it was off to the mall to hang with my friends! (the mall being the space between the schools, not a building full of stores)
It was SO good to see everyone. Leaky cut his hair! It's actually a boy hair cut now! and Heather is back in school (for now) McC is running around telling everyone to resign themselvs to failing (:P) and Geoff hobbling around on crutches. (He can fly on those things! He's faster than I am!)
I went with Geoff to go see the awesomest teacher at LCI (in my opinion) so he could be all "Mr Hodgson, I broke my leg!" and I could be all "hey Mr Hodgson! I'm in your thirst period class this semester!". He was great. We hang in his classroom at lunch, and he's teh Teacehr advisor for the Lisgarwrite, but I never really talk to him. So I introduced myself and he was really nice, and wasn't all normal teacher-y and being "nice to meet you" but was all serious, like "Oh really? that's great!." and took me seriously, not just like "whatever". Further reinforces how awesome he is. I am SO excited.

So after the assembly (normal blah blah blah, but also great that Alastair and Gabe are the directors), I went to TAP -- sorry, Period 1 (no TAP anymore)-- with Boylie and saw that my classmates from grade 6 who went to lisgar are in that class, minus Jake. So that's a plus.
Then I spent half an hour on the mall, meeting grade nines, introducing myself, and painting "9"s and "LCI"s on their faces, then sending them to the aud. They were so great! And it was awesome not being in grade nine anymore. Grade ten = the shizzat.

I watched the grade 9's assembly and freaked them out by clapping and cheering when studco came out. They then went to class, and we sat around for a while waiting til they were done. In my travels, I picked up a girl who wasn't registered yet and she joined my group for touring and games, and I met an Aussie kid who is in my first period by some wierd coincidence, as is his brother.
After I yelled and yelled the name of the kids I had in my group, and then I went to play games on the regional field outside city hall. The kids totally didn't get into Prom Date. Which sucked, but I had fun.
We toured the school, they got free food (I starved and was dying of thirst) and I mingled with the grade nines (hee. Minor Niners. Yes I'm using the term even though I'm only in grade ten.) I found a layout person for the Lisgarwrite, and made great friends with a girl named Daisy. She's my friend's neighbour, which I didn't find out until I'd been chatting with her for half an hour. Crazy!

I also managed to find a guy to do layout for Lisgarwrite this year (we didn't have one before). So fingers crossed, I've just saved Ilana and Lauren from one headache.

All in all it was an awesome day. Grade 10 is so different. Way more than I thought it'd be. It's not "Wow. I'm in high school. I'm with teh big kids." anymore, it's "Wow. I'm the big kid." It's great. I had so much fun meeting these grade nine kids. I also talked to Emma for an hour and a half at her house about her first day. I think she'd going to do awesome at Cantebury.

Eves: hey, read any of Nate's story?
Davis: Not yet, computer decided to snort some cocaine.


Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

I love that feeling - being the older one. It's great.

Anonymous said...

Are you CRAZY? You actually enjoyed being back at school? Wow. You're insane. I don't see any reason to want to be back at school. Besides, all the cute boys are met during the summer. Seriously, Evie. :)