Wednesday, June 01, 2005

"I'd offer you my pants, but I'm not wearing any" ~Laura

So, I have a few realizations right now. I lvoe what Youth Group does to make everything clear. Seriously. God can be SO helpful.

I'm not going to rookie night. I'm jsut not. I don't feel right going, I'm not comfortable with going, so why go to please everyone else? Why comform? I'm putting up that Corinthians passage once I find it for sure...

Also, I'm cleaning up my music. The stuff I listen to is awful. It's definintley NOT what I should be listening. It's full of swearing and bad messages. I'm going to hold to higher standards. Why? Because it's better. I can do better.
PS, I would go into mroe detail about those two previous things, but I know I would get snide comments from the atheist peanut gallery. Seriously guys, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. (I don't mean to sound as mean as I realize I do. Sorry!)

Now, my To Do list:

#1: clean up my music -- so far I took most of the bad stuff off my ipod ( a LOT of music), but I need tor eally go through it, and actually DELETE things, which will be so hard. I really need support out there, to actually do it. [Support is appreciated inthe comments :D]

#2: get better music -- Lindsay's family's rule is that they aren't allowed to won secular music. They can listen to it on the radio and sutf, but they can't own it. I think that's an awesome rule. I'm going to get more christian stuff, which is just as enjoyable as the bad stuff, only better messages. I need to pester them for what's good.

#3: Get a Bible! -- we have one somewhere in our house, in fact a couple... but I want to get one that's MINE. I'm trying to decide what translation to get. I have no clue. All opinions on this are greatly appreciated in comments. I need help deciding.

Okay, this is to my friends at Lisagr, mostly. Guys, I am still the same me, even though I am holding myself to higher standards. I've always believed in God, and you've known me for awhile now. I hope you can accept these changes in me, and stay my friends, because it would hurt me so much to lose you guys.

A paradox: This sentence isn't true


Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

Good work for standing up for your beliefs, even if I think you may be taking just a tiny bit too far. Might I recommend a NRSV study bible? The langtuage is clear and concise, but still sounds poetic, plus it's full of useful historical background.

Jonah Comstock said...

I'm with Nate - NRSV or NIV.

Anonymous said...

Personnally I love my student NIV Bible. And I'm behind you Evie!! Love ya, "little sis"! -Ashley

Anonymous said...

I doesn't matter how much (or how little) you believe in God. It's up to you to decide. Taking charge of you life is hard (for sure!), but it's a GREAT thing to do. I mean, come on. It's your life! You should be in charge!!!!!! GIRL POWER!!!!!!! ha ha

Anonymous said...

Course we'll still be your friends(or I will anyway), you dummy. Evie will always be Evie even if you decide to change your religion completely. Sometimes you can be a complete goof. I still love you, don't worry. :)

Evey said...

Who were that last two people? I'm just curious. :D Thank guys.

Anonymous said...

Of course we'll still me your friends, Evie! Even though you know my views on religion, that doesn't mean we can't be friends. And it would be entirely hypocritcal of me to force my own opinions on you. I'm sorry if i've done it in the past. It's mother possesing me, I swear!

But seriously, it's your life and if you want to get it under control that it's good you have something to turn to.

Anonymous said...

Evie, I've never talked with you about religion- but since we're getting to know each other more as adults- now might be a good time to let you know that I'm an atheist. Not that that needs to change anything, but just so we're clear on our views and such.

I think it's great that this Youth Group is doing good things for you. The only thing I'm worried about is when you write things like "bad music". I know you're smart enough to know that the world isn't black and white, so I'm curious as to what you would label 'bad' and what is 'good'?

- Lucy

Evey said...

Yeah, I see how 'bad' wasn't the best word... It's not that the musci is bad... it's that I feel I could be listening to better music, well, music that's better for me. Just because someone enjoys music I might not listen to doesn't mean I think they're a "bad" person at all.

Anonymous said...

Evie, how are we going to see Sisterhood of Travelling Pants together if we're in separate cities????

Also, 40 days intil HBP!!!!


Anonymous said...

Go with the new living translation.

Anonymous said...

haha you guys are funny!

this reminds me of a comic

I've gotta talk to my parish priest about this one.