Sunday, April 03, 2005

Orthodontia 101

So I'm sitting in the lounge at the barn, after my lesson, eating a PB+J sandwhich when i bite something hard (no, not a peanut, it was creamy peanut butter). I soon figure out (I won't go into detail) that it is a part of my herpst device (Sarah knows all about this) that has come off.

A herpst is a thing that goes in your mouth and is attached to two top teeth and two bottom teeth (two on each side) and have bars attached to them that help to hold your jaw forward in order to correct an overbite.

So one of the top rings that holds the bar thing in place has come off the top. Now that that's out, according to my orthodontist, I'm supposed to unscrew the various other bars from the rings on my teeth.

So I find myself sitting in my kitchen, with my mom poking a screw driver in my mouth, unscrewing parts of my orthodontia. One had gotten cement glue on it or something, so my mom couldn't get it to turn, and my dad was away, so we called in my neighboor Bob, handyman extraordinaire. Yeah, that was funny. When your neighbour ends up with a screwdriver in your mouth, you can't help but laugh.

So now I have to skip orchestra to go to the orthodontist and get my herpst fixed. Won't my music teacher be happy.

I also went to the Hunter Show Awards banquet (horse show awards from last season). Huntleigh had by far the biggest table, and man did we outyell everyone else. We started getting firty looks from other tables. We also had a blast picking out the worst dressed (ouch! orange little house on the prairie prom dress!) and dancing after. Lots of fun.

Send the nerds off to their own party with a pretty girl to give them awards.

1 comment:

Evey said...

Oh no, what did you write...