Thursday, November 04, 2004

I hate November: The Sequel

How many nights of too little sleep does it take to make a zombie?

I'd really like to know. Because I think I'm headed there.

Break downs are no fun. None at all. I hate them a lot.

NaNoWriMo sounds like fun. I wish I had joined in on it. Too late now. Plus I don't think I would have been able to do it. One can't write very much when you doubt your writing abilities. Meh. I guess there's next year. If anyone does NaNoWroMo again.

I wish I were there. A lot. Special hug to Nathan. I wish I were there to give it to you in person.

Oh, and all you Glebites out there: thanks for reading. I'm so glad you're enjoying my blog. Oh, and I accept non-blogger member comments. Don't be shy.

"Cindy quick! Grab his electron!"


Anonymous said...

orlando bloom sucks!

Evey said...

Yes, I quite agree.

Evey said...

oh, and whoever you are, its too bad you forgot to sign your name. I hope you remember next time.

Anonymous said...

What are you saying? I love Orly!

Glebe smells, it's not as old as lisgar so bleugh!

Don't worry about sleep deprivation
"I'll sleep when I'm dead"

- Metal