Friday, October 08, 2004

"Rule #4: Boys are blue, Girls are red... Don't make purple!"

Leadership camp rocked my world.

It is beyond the most fun I've ever had. I've had many really sucky camp experiences. And this more than makes up for ALL of them

On Wednesday, I have NO clue how I survived the afternoon. None. When the bell rang, I ran for my locker to drop off my bag. This where I met my first leadership camp friend, Katherine. She is in my my homeroom, but I never talked to her, so it was really good.

She and I went to get our bags with Katherine's friend Rosie (who is a really good writer) from the equipmetn room and bring them over to where the buses would pick us up.

Just our luck there was a track meet the same day, so we had to wait an hour for the buses. WE took advantage of this time to get into our groups. Just my luck, I was in a group with Arka (EW! guy who sits behind me in strings class) and Sarah (highly annoying WAAY to upbeat person, but she means well). But I had AMAZING Skill builders (group leaders, we call them builders). One was Ashlyn, whom I had never met, so I didn't know what it would be like in her group, but my other builer was Enoch. Enoch is like, the coolest builder EVER. I'm serious. He is on the Improv team, so he's really funny, and really nice as well. He was my group leader at grade nine spirit day, and we had a blast, even though the rest of the group hated that day. Ok, back to Leadership camp.

When the buses arrived we loaded them up and got on. I sat down and no one wanted to sit beside me. So I was all alone, in front of Sarah and Phil her "best friend" who doesn't really wan tot be her best friend. Josh, a kid from Hopewell (elementary school) who is in my math class, was across the row from me. Once we started, Josh and I were noticing that I had half a foot more leg room than him, so he moved over and sat next to me.

Then we got to camp. It was standard, outhouses, dining hall, large semi-circle of cabins, rec hall, campfire pit, gross river, etc. We unloaded the buses and the girls put their stuff on the porch of one cabin, while the guys put their stuff on another porch. Okay, each cabin fits o more than a dozen people, and there were six groups of 8 delegates, plus builders, kitchen workers, organisers and teachers (but they slept in a nice house-cabin and ate in the kitchen). So we were wondering what was going to happen.

Christina, one of the three organisers (students) who was kinda the 'in charge' person who gave us updates etc, told the girls to move our stuff one cabin over as the guys were taking two cabins closest to the dining hall (there were way less guys than girls). Then we played Prom Date. BEST GAME EVER. I'm totally serious. For all you people who have never played DO IT. Its funny. Enoch was showing us his drama Prom date scars. He was like, "Chicks dig the drama scars" Heehee.

Then dinner! Keltie and Allie are AMAZING cooks. They rock. Their food too.

Then we had our first session. Sessions are when you learn about something, kinda. Hard to explain, but eventually you'll get the gist. At the first one, we did ice breakers, stuff about us, etc. Didn't really get into it, as we didnt know each other yet. We did more the next day (more on day 2 later). Oh, we also got these books that had cool stuff in them about the different sessions, and quizes, etc.

After Session, we went to the dining hall, and started thsi game where 2 builders were hiding in the camp, and we had to find them. By now, it was cold and dark. The builder were hiding in shadows with flashlights, and if they shone them on us, we had to go back to the dining hall and start over. It was fun, I went around with Katie and Josh, clinging to both ( I have darkness issues).

After the game, the boys went to their cabins and got into bed. The girls went and got all their stuff, lugged it across the field (not actually that far) and to the rec hall, where Christine and Kat (a builder) had put out these hilarious "matresses" that were foam covered in heavy-duty garbage bag stuff, and held together with duct tape. I snagged on enear a girl who was in my group, named Davis. She and her friends were so cool. I got out my gummy bears and we ate them. And talked ;)... until like 12:30. Then the builders who slept in our rec hall came to bed, so we did too.

That's all for tonight, more tomorrow.

"A murder is just an extroverted suicide."

1 comment:

Erin said...

Leadership camp sounds cool!