Sunday, February 18, 2007

And I know, know cuz she said so/ And I can't just let you go

Busy busy week.

I missed so much school. I had two Insight shows this week, one of which was to fill in in the other troupe at Vincent Massey. After getting lost on the bus (Adam: "What, could you not find your seat?") due to my fabulous bus skills (Driver: "Haig was 3 stops back") and back-tracking 4 blocks I finally got to Vincent Massey. I still beat everyone else there and spent some awkward moments with the office ladies of Vincent Massey. It got even more awkward when who should end up front row centre but Laura, a girl from my church from one of the most conservative families ever. I cringed inwardly when we did the Masturbation Macarena and she almost had a heart attack.

Valnetine's this year kind of came and went, and I have to say, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Sure I whined and groaned and told you how I hated it, but it was ok. It was my favourite chem moment so far.
Mr Magwood: Where's Adam Potter?
Evey: Oh, he's stuck in a box, sir. He wrapped himself up as a present for his girlfriend, and she's late.
Mr Magwood: Oh, ok.
Gabe: Wow. It's moments like this when I wish I were a nice guy. But I'm not, so I'm running to Rideau at lunch to buy something for Meghan.

I spent the afternoon at the Insight show and I spent the evening with my ex at work. Which was actually half decent. We ended up talking later on for 2 hours. It was bittersweet, and I cried a little bit, but for the first time we were connected again and this wall was gone. We laughed, and joked about when we were dating and it was nice. It was really nice. I'm pretty sure we'll never have a conversation quite like this one ever again, but I'm glad that I got that confirmation that I didn't make up that connection. That it's still there. It's just got a brick wall through the middle of it.

It is official: I am going to Cuba the week before March Break. I am incredibly excited, despite that fact that I have to spend the whole time with my little sister. Lying on the beach for hours while reading a books sounds extremely awesome.

So my advice to you is: next time you have to go to the DMV, you'd better bring along your wings.


Jonah Comstock said...

Cuba! Awesome.

Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

Watch out for Communism!