Saturday, October 15, 2005

"Quiet voices today, girls"

I had an awesome day today! {if you don't want to hear ALL about it, skip to the recap at the bottom}

I got up at 6:30am (yes, on a Saturday), and went to huntleigh (the barn where I ride for all you who need a refresher) with Avery. I mucked for a while (strained my back again, I think), then had my lesson which was AWESOME! I rode Vito, and we jumped again, FINALLY, and it was really good.

The kids I help tack up were ready ON TIME today (except for the one who showd up 4 minutes before the lesson, but you know, it was ok). Mini camp was great fun with Amy Pearson, and a kid (older kid, like grade 5ish) told me "If you were an an instructor here, you'd be the best one." AWWW, right? Also, there was much drama going on in the gossip mill of the Huntleigh girls, which makes for a fun day.

Best part of the day: after my lesson, my intructor, Gill, came over me to me. Here is the convo:
Gill: Evie what are your plans for riding for next year?
Me: Uhhhhh...
Gill: Just pleasure riding?
Me: uhh... yeeeesss...?
Gill: Were you thinking about riding competitively?
Me: uhh...
Gill: because that would be an option for you.
Me: It'd take some convincing of my mom...
*I leave the arena and tell Avery whilst jumping up and down in the barn aisle*

Also, I told my mom and she isn't against me showing next year!!!

RECAP: Helping the little kids is going well, my lesson was awesome because I'm jumping again, and I might get to show next year. SQUEEE!

Currently: I'm sitting at my comp, waiting to see if the boys will show. Mike is having his bday party, and they will be heading to the park at some point, and possibly stop by my house and I will go with. w00t! Fun times!

Men love to barbeque. Men will cook if danger is involved.

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