Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It's a two post kind of a day.

And now, in other news...

A couple weeks ago, I went to see the Vagina Monologues for the first time with Insight Theatre (Aidan came too -- he was already planning on going. He did remarkably well, I thought).
I didn't really know what to expect when I went, but I figured my Insight Theatre time had prepared me for almost anything. It was an amazing, even more so because Eve Ensler herself was there, playing the part of herself. I don't know how many of you have seen this show, but if you haven't, you should go see it. And if you have seen it, go again. It has powerful stories with powerful messages and it's a really good time. It changed how I thought about some things (like the word "cunt") and made me laugh a lot. Everyone should see this show.

Once you've seen the Vagina Monologues, in some ways, there's no going back. You are suddenly extremely pro-vaginas. Not that you weren't before (especially for those of us who own one) but just more. Which is why I was so angry when I read this story. Honestly, it's a quick read, go read it. Ok, back? How angry are you? #1, that they would suspend them for saying VAGINA which is a body part (elbow! knee! hip! vagina!) and #2 that they would say it was ok because there were no young children in the audience. The fact that young children don't hear vagina is why it's such a big deal now. Honestly. I was ready to kick some major school board ass when I read this follow-up and discovered that Eve Ensler felt much the same way and went to give them a good ole' talking to.

I hope she said vagina a lot when she did.

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