Monday, June 28, 2004

Hello out there


I have started a blog. Hurray for me ! I'm probably talking to myself, but if anyone out there is reading, enjoy my life. Could be interesting. Could be boring. Only one way to find out.

Today is the election in Canada. We are currently figuring out which of the incompetent fools is gonna run our country for a while. I'm sorry if I've offended any one, but I don't like any of the candidates this time.

I'm very sad at the moment. I'm not going to see many of my friends ever again. I hate moving up to high school. You and your friends all split up, promise to stay in touch, then lose touch. It always happens. Can't wait.

I won't write everyday. Sometimes I will write really frequently (like when I'm bored). Sometimes I won't. It all depends on me. I think that's allowed since the blog IS about yours truly.

PS: As a little comment starter, what did everyone think of the new Harry Potter movie? I thought it was really good, but nothing can measure up to the books.


Marten said...

the states are having the same problem with our candidates.

The werewolf looked like gollum with a snout

Hi! welcome to blogger!

Michael said...

Yeah. Voting is just picking the lesser of two evils. I've gotten to the point where I've had it with our real candidates, I just want to vote for fictional ones. (President Bartlet of The West Wing, my write in, ladies and gentlemen)

Evey said...

Yes! Pres Barlett would be a helluvalot better than the guys that are running now!

Nathaniel Cornstalk said...

I want to combine the two topics and write in Albus Dumbledore. Unfortunately, he lives in England.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Evey. As if it's been three years since you started this blog. Thats right. Your three-year anniversary for blogging is quickly approaching - coming from the girl who can barely handle a committed relationship with her toothbrush, I'm impressed. Congrats, Evey. And just so you know, the future is wonderful. We have flying monkeys and whole meals in pill form.